Finally, I'm with you again

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" Hirano-san.. can we talk? " Kagiura asked,a little quiet and unsure. Hirano agreed,a bit worried about the sudden request. They sat down on the small couch in the living room. Kagiura felt uneasy, before starting,

" Hirano-san.. can I ask you a question?" He asked hesitantly. Hirano sensed the hesitation in his tone and by reflex,he patted his head to calm him down. Taken aback, Kagiura relaxes for a bit into the gesture, letting go of his nerves. " What kind of question is it?" The blonde continued,resting his hand on those soft locks. " I.. — have your feelings.. towards me..changed? Somehow?" The younger one once again asked of him.

Hirano's eyes widened when he heard the question,his hands frozen in place. He didn't know what to answer,for once in his life. All he knows is that Kagiura is important to him. He'd take care of him for life if he needed to, he'd do it without a doubt. But was that love? Is the need to spend every chance he gets with him love? Now that he thinks about it,he would have never taken care of someone else like this. He wouldn't think of someone like this,he wouldn't get attached to someone else,like he is with Kagiura.

Maybe he did. Maybe he did love him the way the boy loved him back. Maybe he was as oblivious as everyone says he is. Well there's only one way to make sure of what he feels.

"I.. tsk, Can you close your eyes?.." Hirano asked,blush now spreading on his cheeks. Clueless,the taller closed his eyes without hesitation,he trusts Hirano after all.

GAHHHH How do you actually do THIS , without your heart ESCAPING YOUR CHEST?!!

Kagiura was staying still, waiting for Hirano to make his move. After willing the blush to fade in his cheeks,the blonde closes his eyes as he lets his heart do the action. His hands held Kagiura's head still,as his lips found their way to the soft skin on his forehead. Kagiura's eyes widened when he felt those lips,he became frozen still when those lips left.

Hirano opened his eyes to see a strawberry Kagiura,he laughed when he saw how much of a blushing mess the poor boy was. " Kagi-kun." that broke Kagiura out of his mess and he locked gaze with his beloved. "Hirano..-san.. Is this.. real? I'm not dreaming right??" He tried to pinch himself to "wake him up" but he only yelped. Hirano kept laughing at him. They really are idiots,he thought. How could he ever love someone this much? Well, there's a million reasons why and how,and Hirano knows just exactly what those reasons are.

" Hirano-san,can I hear it from you ?" Kagiura asked of him,looking deeply in his eyes, full of love and admiration. " I.. Do I really have to? " The blonde asked,blushing from the request. " Of course! You hear me say it to you everytime." Kagiura whined,displaying the playful pout of his. " Fine. I.. I love you. There! Are you happy now?" Hirano retorted,but with no bite in his tone. " Very. I love you too, Hirano-san!" Kagiura chimed,trapping Hirano into a warm embrace. Annoyed,Hirano relaxes into the hug. He wouldn't admit how much he missed it out loud. Not yet at least.

He'd take steps along the way. He's willing to be just as affectionate as this precious boy in his hold. They'll have plenty of time to do just that. Everything that happened was created from a mess,but it ended with something beautiful. Just like the love that they have for each other. It was confusing at first,but as they grew attached to each other, it was simply beautiful and irreplaceable.

The sky was blue. The rays of sun warming them in their own space. Holding each other and filling in the time that they lost for a while.At the end of everything there was only one thing that'll never change for the two.

Hirano Taiga loved Kagi-kun, Kagiura Akira loved Hirano-san .It was as simple as that.

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