The accident

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It was a normal evening for the LaFosse family, Mom LaFosse finishing up her school work and her daughter (Amelia) waiting for her to be done so that she can go to work as a baby sitter for a 5 year old. Finally her mom finished and they left 30 minutes later *knock knock knock* *the door opens* " "AMELIA" the little girl screamed and gave her baby sitter a hug "have a good time!" Both moms called ask they left Amelia and the girl. "So what do you want to eat?" Asked Amelia "hmmmm Mac and cheese!" Said the girl " what's the magic word?" Amelia gave her a little eyebrow raise "please?????" Said the girl with a question look and Amelia have her a nod. "Also can you put on my little pony... please? I finish all of my home work I promise!" The little girl asked with her hands intertwined with each other. Amelia gave her a little giggle and said "ofc." Amelia grabbed the tv remote and went to Netflix to put the tv show the little girl requested on. Once it was on the little girl sat down while her a baby sitter went to make to her Mac and cheese. Amelia had put the girl's favorite episode one, special the one about cadence's wedding where the changeling queen chrysalis changed into cadence and puts her in a cave... but the episode is different than the girl remembered.

What the girl remembered from the episode was that Chrysalis put a spell on the three that made the guard the cave and it made there eyes look a funny blue color with green pupils, but what she saw wasn't that. There eyes were red almost like pink eye and they had there regular pupils, they also had blood and different marks on them. This caught the girls attention and frightened her, but she didn't alert Amelia she just sat there. The scene where the walked toward cadence and say "your not going anywhere." Instead of seeing it from a side angle the viewer of the show sees it from cadence or twilight, so they are basically walking towards you (the viewer). After they walk the screen turns to a black screen, but not this time. They kept walking closer and closer to the screen, but the girl didn't think much of it, she thought that maybe they just changed the episode..... but she should have thought more of it.

By the time the ponies got close to the screen she thought they would stop and two but one didn't. The next thing you know the girl can see Lyra heartstrings (the teal pony) jump out on the screen and charge towards her. She screamed, but no one came except Lyra, directly towards her looking more scary out of the tv then in it. Covered in blood and deep chunks out of her back, rotted brown and black hooves, and her eyes, her eyes were like black holes with her moth covered in blood looking like it was coming out of her mouth. Next thing the girl knew Lyra was staring right at her close to her face, she leaned over and bit the girl in the collar bone. The girl screamed again and next thing you know Lyra jumped right back into the rectangular shaped black screen. Unlike the first time the girl screamed when no one came to that brutal sound that came out of her mouth, Amelia did come this time rushing out of the kitchen. "Omg are you okay???" Amelia asked with concern written all over it, "No no no, t-the pony jumped out a-and bit me on the neck!!" Said the girl with teary eyes. Amelia kneeled down do get level with the girl and said, " Are you sure you didn't just fall asleep and had a bad dream? Because characters from a pony tv my show don't just jump out and bit kids." She said with an eyebrow raised. " No I swear! It looked different but I thought they had changed it but then it got closer and closer to the screen and I got scared so I yelled and then it got closer and bit me like this!" The girl said in a cluster and then bit Amelia on the collar just like the pony did "Ow!" Amelia exclaimed, "You know we don't bite people, but I will forgive. Just don't do it again okay? Also your Mac and cheese is done." The girl gave her a big smile and nod and jumped up from the couch to go to the kitchen.

Just as she was going to the kitchen she heard a knock and knew it was the mom so she opened the door. " Hi thank you again I hope she wasn't to much trouble?" The mom asked with a small smile. "She took a nap on the couch and had a nightmare, but other than that no she was all good." Amelia said with small a chuckle. "Well here is your pay and thank you thank you again!" The mom handed her some cash. "No problem!"Amelia said as she walked out of the door into her mom's car and they started their journey on the way home, but nothing was the same from there...

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