Broke up

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Seonghwa: Why are you bowing? Oh so Jungho is here

Jungho: Who's plan was it?

Hongjoong: Did you and Yeosang made up?

Yeosang: Of course we made up, we kissed, make out and did it. ( sarcastically)

Seonghwa: So didn't.

Wooyoung: Why you guys always fight?

Yeosang: Ask him.

Jungho: Why me? You always fight with me.

Yeosang: You are the one who ignore me.

Jungho: You are irritating

Yeosang gasp.

Yeosang: Fine! You think I am just granted for you. Then okay. I am ending this relation. You can stop being irritated by me. ( went)

Jungho: What ever. ( went in different direction)

Other were totally shock.

Seonghwa: Yeosang, Yeosang. ( going to him)

Hongjoong: Jungho wait. ( run to him)

Mingi: Is this really an end to their relation?

San: Don't know.

Other sigh.

Seonghwa: Why you are so angry with Jungho?

Yeosang: He take me as granted. Never talk with love with me, have you ever saw him looking at me with love eyes. I am sick of him. ( teary eyes) I feel jealous by everyone. Everyday I see Mingi, San and captain looking at Yunho, Wooyoung and you with so lovely eyes but he. ( cry)

Seonghwa hug him and pat his back.

Hongjoong:  Jungho, why you never say sorry to him?

Jungho: Why I should? It's never my fault. Why he always expect he to give him attention and love I can't show?

Hongjoong: But he is your boyfriend. You need to show your love to him so he don't get unsecured.

Jungho: We broke up. He don't care now.

Hongjoong: Come with me.

Jungho: Where?

Hongjoong: Just come.

Jungho went with Hongjoong. He reach Yeosang room and hear his cry.

Seonghwa: Ssh it's okay. You two will made up.

Yeosang: Now we can't. ( crying) He think I am irritating. Am I not worthy to be love? I I just wanted his care, nothing more. Why I the only one who say sorry, I love you or are you okay, first? Why can't he?

Jungho feel guilty.

Seonghwa: His love showing method must be different.

Yeosang: I know that he don't like showing affection in public but why not in private. San also don't like to show affection in public but at least he show love to Wooyoung. He do every thing for Woo. Give him kisses, say pretty words and mostly respect him. But why Jungho never show that to me? ( crying hard)

Seonghwa: Maybe he must be tensed or frustrated.

Yeosang: Why he only? Don't I get tired? Don't I get frustrated with work? I everyday need to carry heavy boxes, count them thrice, manage the list of trading. Do you think that's easy? At least I don't show my anger or frustration of work on him like he do

Seonghwa was feeling pity at him. Hongjoong look at Jungho who was looking down with sadness.

Seonghwa: How about last time you say sorry?

Yeosang: How many times I have to say sorry to him? Apologize for something I didn't did. This time I am done with him.

Seonghwa: You need to hold on your relation, for both of you.

Yeosang: A relation is held with both sides not single side. If he don't want then okay I also don't want to hold on something from where I get hurt multiple times. ( hug him tight)

Jungho went. Seonghwa look at Hongjoong. Captain just sigh


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