A Strange New World + Revelations

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Somewhere in the woods, an camper was relaxing by the firepit.

Who is this camper? Well from the looks of his outfit, it was actually JD but yet it wasn't actually him..

What creature was he? Why, He's actually known as a human, a being of the place known as Planet Earth. He was at the campsite after dropping off the human version of the heroic troll that will be arriving very soon at the local airport earlier.

So as he began to relax, he heard a groan from the forest and immediately he got up and ran up to the source of the groan.

“Hey! Who's out here?” John Dory yelled out as he walked through the bushes and saw an unconscious figure at an unusually glowing lake and who he saw, he thought that he actually recognized who it was.

“....Branch??” he softly said as he gets to the figure and he checks for a pulse which is still there.

“...Oh thank god..” he said in relief as he then picks him up and carries him to a caravan that looks like Rhonda from the other world. as he placed him in the bed inside the vehicle, he took out his phone and texts in a group chat that had three familiar names in it.

Meanwhile in another city, a human, that looks familiar to a certain magenta colored haired troll, checks his phone, hearing it chime before he has to go out for another set and becomes curious as he sees it’s from his eldest brother, so wanting answers, he texts in the group
John Dory sees a text from the magenta haired human pop up,

[Floyd *Emo Boy* - Hey John Dory, What's up]

On another side of the world, an purple haired human who looks similar to the large purple haired troll from the other world, hears a beep from his phone, takes it out and checks as well wondering who would be messaging him and he saw that it was John Dory who texted.

[B(Sp)ruce *Dad Bod* - Hey, is there something wrong? It’s been a while since we used this thing]

Back in the main town, a green haired human, who looked familiar to an tall frizzy green haired troll, was in his bed when he got the notification from his phone. “Huh? What's this?” He said as he began to text in the chat.

[Clay *Fun Sad Boi*- Hey, what's with the family hotline? Is something wrong?]

John Dory then began to text to the group chat about what was happening.

[JD *The Oldest* - It's Branch...I found him in the woods..bruised and unconscious by a lake…]

[B(Sp)ruce *Dad Bod* - BRANCH!? I thought he was taking his flight today]

[Floyd *Emo Boy* - Are you sure it's Branch? I saw his gf post a picture of them online about him leaving to study abroad. Maybe it’s someone who just looks like him?]

[Clay *Fun Sad Boi* - Hold up? What's this about finding Branch in the woods?? Is he dead 😨?]

[B(Sp)ruce *Dad Bod* - He said he was unconscious, not dead.😑]

Branch groaned, feeling his body and headache all over. Who knew going through a portal could rough you up so much. However he couldn’t stay asleep no matter how much he wanted to and gradually opened one of his eyes.

[JD *The Oldest* - "Bruce's right he's knocked out cold right now, I'll send you a picture of him and when he wakes up in the morning, we'll be picking you three up and head to grandma's house for a family meeting"]

[Clay *Fun Sad Boi* - "...we haven't been to grandma's for 20 years...I miss her.."]

[JD *The Oldest* - "Me Too..since I was able to buy the house from the auction after her death, I'm legally the owner of the household”]

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