Meeting Poppy + A Creek Moment

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The Bros were now in the newly named caravan Rhonda, driving to the college known as Trollstopia College, a place dedicated to the unity of the various communities that surrounded the City known as Popville. Clay was at the table, writing on a piece of paper with the title “Operation : Crown Achievement” on it.

“Ok so we need a plan to get the students of “bush”'s college to nominate him for prom anyone have ideas?” Clay asked his brothers. “Well He’s already courting Poppy. Let’s just not show it up a bit? She knows that he is the only king for her. What do you all think?” said Floyd.

“Hmm..that can work but i don't think that's going to be enough to get our baby bro voted king....unless we use extra flair like doing a dance performance to convince everyone that Bush should be prom king?” said John Dory.

The brothers (minus Branch as he was still have issues with the memory of his other brothers’ band days till the breakup) thought about it until Bruce spoke,“Getting the band back together for the greater good of our little brother seems like a good reason to me.” said Bruce, now liking John Dory's idea.

“yeah but we need the right choreo, the right song and the right message,” said Clay.

“I think I have the perfect song…Hmm..oh what was it? 🎶Ain’t no other-ain’t-ain’t no other lover..🎶'' said Floyd as he tried to remember the song.

“I believe it's Ain’t No Other Man, By Christina Aguilera, Floyd,” said Bruce, now remembering the song title.

“Oh! Let me look it up on my phone” said Clay, who took his phone out.

“Oh yeah! Today we bring Brosensation back from the dead!” exclaimed John Dory, now looking happy.

“...Brosensation?” asked Branch, looking a bit confused.

“Oh yeah it's our old band name when we were kids in middle school, I was the one who came up with it” explained John Dory, feeling prideful.

“Yeah and it's also the most stupidest name in existence, John Dory,” Clay said, displeased with a raised eyebrow.

“He was in middle school like we were,Clay. Of course it’s gonna be dumb if a 12 year old thinks of it.” said Floyd with a hint of sass.

“It was cool when we announced it to the audience then did our thing at the talent show at the middle school though, We even won first place and everyone wanted us to make an album thus making us an official boyband when we got that record deal” said Bruce.

“Yeah but still, the name sucks” said Clay, crossing his arms.

Branch obviously didn't like the name Brosensation, it felt too old for his taste actually so he decided to help his alternate bros by giving them a new band name, “....I have a suggestion for a band name..” he starts to say.

“Oh, what is it, “Bush”?” asked Clay, now curious.

“...Brozone” said Branch.

“Brozone?” asked John Dory, perplexed.

“Huh…Has a better zip to it then Brosensation and definitely less of a mouthful.” said Floyd, beginning to like the new name.

“...yeah it's actually a pretty good name” said Bruce.

"I'm starting to like it!" exclaimed Clay.

“Now that I think about it, it sounds so cool! Brozone it is” proclaimed John Dory.

After that, they made it to the college and parked at the student drop-off section.

"Oh! We're here guys" said Clay.

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