The Truth Comes Out

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The drive back to grandma's was pretty silent for a long time…until Branch decided to break the ice.

“So did grandma die? Did she get eaten by a bergen??” he asked his brothers, both who unfortunately had a shocked reaction as John Dory immediately stopped the caravan and looked at Branch in shock.

“HUH!? Grandma got eaten!?” exclaimed Clay who was now freaking out over the fact.

Floyd facepalms at this “Branch what part of going to the house do you not get as far as waiting to talk about all this?” He said.

“oh...sorry..” Branch apologized.

“..*sigh*'re ok branch” John Dory said as he starts Rhonda up and drives again.

“Grandma didn’t get eaten, that would be cannibalism. But the Bergens did kill her. Just for clarification.” Bruce explained.

“yeah...that's an awful way to die…” said Clay as he started to shiver in fear.

And so, after a few minutes, they made it to grandma's house.

“Ok guys, we're here, let's head inside” said John Dory as he turns off Rhonda and gets off the seat.

“Ok JD” said Clay as he got up and headed to the door.

Floyd gets up and pats Branch’s back with a small reassuring smile.

Bruce also gets out of the car as he starts thinking, ‘This is gonna be a very weird and very interesting conversation.’

Branch gets up and heads out of the car and walks to the house and John Dory, who is now at the porch, opens the door of the place and lets his bros in.

“Thanks JD” said Clay as he heads inside first

“Thanks Bro” said Floyd as he walked in after Clay.

“Yeah, thank you,” said Bruce as he smiled before heading in behind the others.

“Thanks,” said Branch as he went into the house.

After that, JD closes the door and heads to the living room where his brothers are waiting.

Clay was sitting on the couch, including Bruce, Floyd and Bruce were also sitting in the same spots as earlier in the day and finally, JD then sat on the same couch.

And now, it was time to discuss what they were all thinking about,

“Ok so clearly everyone has a lot of questions but I think most of them will be answered if branch starts.” said Floyd.

“I agree but also I believe it needs to be said that we know you aren’t our branch but you are still unquestionably branch. Whatever is going on isn’t gonna change us helping you with whatever is going on with this gem of harmony.” said Bruce, who looked understanding.

“Yeah Branch or Bush, you're still our brother” said Clay.

“Yup we're here for you, Bitty B” said John Dory.

“Right, we will never leave you behind,” said Floyd.

Branch honestly wasn't expecting that coming from Bruce, Clay, John Dory and Floyd, he actually thought that they were like his own brothers from his home but these guys were definitely different from the brothers who left him alone with their grandma as a baby, it almost drove him to tears.

“.....y-you mean it?..” Branch whispered as he tried holding back his tears.

“110% mean it” said Floyd.

“Yeah we're your brothers,” said John Dory.

“yeah we're with you, even if the truth is pretty crazy” Saud Clay.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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