The final

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Pov Leah

Today is the day we have been dreaming of as a Team. It is the Final of the Home European Championships we play against Germany. It will be a very tough game Germany is a strong team with great players like Lena Oberdorf or Klara Bühl.

After I woke up I got straight to breakfast. I was sitting with Georgia, Keira and Lucy.

Georgia: "These fucking curtains woke me up I was up two hours earlier"

Keira: "I had the same Problem"

Me: "I didn't it is probably because I broke them, yesterday night I didn't know that there is a remote to close the curtains I pulled at them until it was dark. I had closed curtains"

We all ate our breakfast, went back into our room and went to the Bus. The atmosphere on the Bus was very tense, you could tell it wasn't a normal game. We're going to be playing in front of ninety thousand people and everyone is on our side. But Beth, Mary, Rachel, Millie and Georgia still made their jokes, so it was kind of like before every game.

Pov Helena

Today is the day Dad and I are going to the final of the Women's European Championship. I've watched every single game so far and the captain Leah Williamson looks particularly really good. I actually only watch the games because of her. I've often been on the verge of following her on Instagram but I've never dared to.

Pov Leah

We arrived at the stadium and the changing rooms were already breathtaking, I went to my locker where my jersey with the captain's armband was. We all walked onto the pitch together and looked at the stadium and the pitch, I was simply speechless.

Back in the dressing room, my playlist was playing and it immediately felt like every game. After the briefing with Sarina and the coaching team, we got changed and after the mobilisation and stretching exercises we went out onto the pitch to warm up. The atmosphere was already breathtaking. When I took my first step onto the pitch, I was immediately in the game.

Back in the dressing room, Sarina gave us the final instructions for the game. We were already in the tunnel ready to go out - the fans are louder than I've ever experienced.

We walk out and immediately the stadium gets even louder than it already was. We're standing in a row and the German anthem is being sung and then it's time for the England anthem - it was so loud I couldn't even hear Mary singing next to me.

The game had already started. The first half was very even, everyone had their chances but both teams couldn't capitalise on them. Sarina gave us a speech in the dressing room and I also said a few words.

The second half started just as the first had ended. Until a long ball was played to Ella behind the defence and she ran alone towards the goalkeeper Frohms and shot the ball perfectly into the net. Shortly afterwards, Germany equalised and the game continued in the same vein, with both teams having chances that they were unable to convert.

Unfortunately, we had to go into extra time. In the second half of extra time we have a corner kick and I can't see anything but suddenly I see the ball hit the net and Chloe takes off her shirt and runs to the fans. I can't believe it - only
10 minutes.

The game should have been over long ago

Me: "Ey ref the game is already over"

Millie: "Leah calm down the game is still 5 minutes"

Finally the referee blows the whistle and I can't stay on my feet anymore and just fall to the ground. I cry like I've never done before

Pov Helena

The referee finally blows his whistle and the game is over - England have won. I wasn't concentrating on the game at all, the only thing I was paying attention to was Leah and now I see her go down and burst into tears.

Dad and I enjoy the moment a bit and watch everything from above. A security guard comes up to us and tells us that we have to go down to the field to hand over the medals and the trophy. I'm already excited because I'm going to see Leah for the first time, and after the handover I've persuaded Dad to go to the after-party, which is what I'm looking forward to the most.

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