Chapter 12 - Bed

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Mike woke up to find his room completely silent, the entire room dark. He saw that everyone was asleep. All apart from one.

"Will?" Mike whispered, still half asleep as he scanned the room for Will who was currently missing.

"Will?" Mike spoke again, slightly louder this time as panic start to set in.

Ever since Will got lost in the upside down Mike has had this fear of Will getting lost, so every time Will isn't with him or wanders off he begins to panic slightly.

"Will?" He spoke up again, now sitting up and looking around the room properly.

He could feel himself panicking as there was no sign of his best friend. He was about to get up to leave the room when the door opened and Will walked in, looking almost nervous as he spotted Mike.

"Oh my god, where were you!?" Mike panicked, rushing up to give Will a hug.

"I was just grabbing a drink." Will laughed, hugging Mike back.

"I was worried." Mike frowned, his hands holding firmly onto Will's shoulders as he pulled away from the hug.

"I'm right here, I'm okay." Will told him, his voice soft as he knew why Mike was panicking.

"Good.." Mike sighed softly, his hands dropping to his side as he realized Will was indeed okay. He let out a small yawn, causing Will to frown.

"Come on, go back to bed. It's still early." Will gave him a small smile, gently taking his hand and bringing him back over to bed.

"Okay, come sleep with me." Mike mumbled, his eyes dropping as he got into bed.

Will smiled down at Mike and got into bed next to him, spooning him and wrapping his arms around Mike's waist.

"Goodnight." Will whispered, giving Mike a gentle kiss.

Mike kissed him back before whispering something inaudible, digging his head into Will's chest and drifting to sleep once again, making Will smile. Will closed his eyes aswell, drifting off to sleep not long after Mike, his face burried in Mike's curls.

In the morning

Lucas woke up first out of the four boys, letting out an annoyed groan as he got up. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, about to leave the room when he spotted Mike and Will on the bed.

He chuckled to himself as he saw how they were sleeping, Will's arms wrapped around Mike and their legs tangled together in ways Lucas didn't even know was possible. He picked the blanket off of the floor and placed it back on top of them both, letting them continue to sleep.

Some time later, once almost everybody was awake, Mike finally woke up. His eyes fluttered open, his cheeks heating up as he saw Will's calm face above him.

He went to get up but Will's arms were wrapped firmly around him, his muscles keeping Mike from moving.

"Will." Mike whispered, gently shaking Will.

"Stop.." Will mumbled, pulling Mike closer to him.

"Will. Get up, come on. Everybody is probably up by now." Mike sighed, gesturing over to the empty bed across from them.

"Ughh, fine." Will whined, letting go of Mike and sitting up.

"Thank you." Mike chuckled, getting up as well and standing up, trying to wake himself up.

The two went over to the bathroom, quickly brushing their teeth and washing their faces, not wanting to taste the vile taste of morning breath anymore. They returned back to their bedroom, Will realising he needed to change shirts as there was an odd smell on it.

"Can you pass me a new shirt?" Will spoke up, confusing Mike.

"Uh, yeah sure." Mike shrugged, going over to grab Will a new shirt. He grabbed the first one he saw, handing it to Will, incredibly confused, before a thought popped into his head.

He had an idea of what might be going on.

As Will took his shirt off Mike grabbed it and smelt it, his heart dropping once he smelt the familiar smell he had hoped to never smell again.

"I knew it. You're smoking again."

sorry guys, short chapter today. no motivation lately

{Word Count: 694}

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