9: Luck

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Uh. The story from before is going again. ENFP can't sleep. She is just rolling on her bed. It is 10pm. She is trying to forgot everything but she can't. She is too embarrassed. Maybe it is best to go out? Again... But there could be he... But doesn't matter! She anyways doesn't care! At least... Let's say it doesn't... She will go out anyways. She is ready now. She dressed in light green T-shirt and dark green wide jeans. Also, she her hair sprinkle so it is wavy now. She is still asking herself why she cares about that compliment. She dried her hair a bit just to be sure that she won't get sick. Now it was natrualy wavy. She didn't even put make up. She just leaved.

Her face didn't really look happy. There wasn't smile on her face like usually. She was too tired of everything. She is still thinking about what ENTP said... "The funniest lovestory". She is now talking loud.

ENFP: Lovestory ha? What lovestory? There isn't any lovestory. I don't love him.

And she herself knew that she lied only to herself. Maybe it is best to do something to forgot everything. Maybe some beer? But she doesn't drink anything like that...

ENFP: Maybe I can try? I will forgot everything of that then...

There was one store. They selled beer. She was looking at that beer. She knew that it would safe her from all the memories. Still, she doesn't care about anything now. Her mood isn't well now. It was one of rarely times that she was sad.

ENFP: I will buy it anyways!

ENFP buyed 2 glasses of it. She sat on random bench she found and started drinking. To her, the taste of it was terrible. It felt like she's gonna throw up. But she didn't care. She couldn't anymore it was to terrible. But it was too late, she felt crazy. She laughed like crazy idiot and she herself thinked that she was. She stood up, but she couldn't walk straightly.

One man came close to her. He was wearing hat and black jacket.
Man: Hey lady. Why are you alone here?

ENFP turned to him and laughed.

ENFP: I am drinking this terrible beer! How everyone loves it? It's taste is TERRIBLE! I tried it to forgot everythingg!
Man: Hah young pretty lady like you shouldn't drink beer.
ENFP: I will do whatever I want hahaha.
Man: No no. You should listen only to your husband.
ENFP: I don't have husband! And even if I had I wouldn't listen only to him.
Man: Hmm so there isn't anyone secretly here with you...?
ENFP: There is someone. You.
Man: Haha... No one else?
ENFP: No oneee.
Man: Are you sure?
ENFP: I am not sure in anything.
Man: Good. I am sure that you are crazy. That is good. For me of course...
ENFP: Hah don't talk nonsense... It's not like you're gonna hurt me, right...?
Man: It's like I'm gonna hurt you. You know people always say: you can't kidnapp people that aren't kids becouse it's KIDnapping as a joke. Haha now I will show them... All of them will have fun with you...
ENFP: Shut up. You can't do anything to me. The police is everywhere.
Man: Haha you will see...

The man grabs her. He shut her mouth so she can't scream. But it didn't went well... For man of course. She bitted him. He was in lot of pain but he kept his fist on her mouth. ENFP tried to scream but she couldn't. But then someone came... Another man. He wore mask,glasses and hat. He grabbed his arm. Let's call the first man Man and the one who came now Person.

Man turned to Person. He was surprised as much as ENFP. This was the last thing she thought will happend was this! First someone kidnapped her then someone saved her! Of course, not yet, he/she didn't saved her yet. She hoped that he/she will...

At that moment Man let her. Person came closer to him. Man looked very scared. ENFP saw that on his face, also Person did. Now Person grabbed his other hand. He/she slapped him.

Person: Don't ever again dare to try to hurt someone. I am following you.

Person dropped both of Man's hands. He let him go... Man didn't hestate, he quickly ran somewhere. Person started to walk away slowly. It seemed like he/she won't speak up anything with her if she didn't spoke first. She decided to do it.

ENFP: Wait...

Person turned to her.

ENFP: Thank you for saving me... Thank you very much... You didn't had to... You could get in trouble...
Person: It's okay.
ENFP: Sorry for asking but... Can you show me your face... If you don't want it's okay...

Person took off glasses and mask. Guess who it was. To make The funniest lovestory better, it was INTJ. ENFP is now staring shocked.

INTJ: Yes...
ENFP: T-thank you... You saved me... You risked your life on me... Probably the weirdest person you have ever seen.
INTJ: I am fine. People like him deserve nothing. They don't deserve someone to clean for them for free. And your weirdness isn't bad. Weird people are more original than normal...
ENFP: You are right...

ENFP still isn't seeing well. Beer has still effect on her.

ENFP: I'm...um... I will go now... Goodbye, have a nice night...

ENFP tried to walk away. Of course she didn't walk straightly. She was walking left, then right, then again left... If someone was behind her, that person would laugh. This time, it was INTJ but he is always serious. He wasn't laughing. He was just staring at her. At that moment, like probably everyone expected, ENFP fell to ground. She tried to get up but it didn't went very well. INTJ sighed and slowly walked to her. He helped her to got up. ENFP's eyes looked like they are gonna shut down at any moment.

INTJ: Come on. I'm gonna help you walk home. You have to tell me where do you live.
ENFP: You... Don't have... To... I'm fine...
INTJ: I will do that anyways. You don't have to tell me. Just walk and I will go with you.
ENFP: O-okay...

ENFP walked, INTJ right next to her. She almost fell sometimes but INTJ got her. She was in front of her house. She saw INFJ nervously calling someone and waiting for answer.

ENFP: Hey... INFJ...

INFJ turned to her and when she saw her she quickly runned to her.

INFJ: OH ENFP!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?? Wait... INTJ...? Is that you...?
INTJ: Yes. It's me. One man almost kidnapped your drunk friend.

ENFP hugged INFJ. INFJ was staring at INTJ mouth openned while ENFP was hugging her.

INTJ: I will go now. Have a nice night.
INFJ: Thank you for saving her... Have a nice night...

INTJ was getting far away. He didn't even turned, but only to INFJ's eyes. Becouse she watched him walk away mouth openned. When they couldn't see him, he turned to them, just to make sure that they are in house. Now they were. In the house INFJ was still shocked.

INFJ: Oh ENFP... I have so many quiestions right now...
ENFP: Ask me in morning, I wanna sleep... And dream about INTJ...
INFJ: Tell me everything right now.
ENFP: Ugh you are so annoying... Fine...

That "annoying" reminded INFJ of ENTP. She quietly chuckled but she stopped becouse she knew that ENFP was most important now. ENFP told her everything. INFJ was absoulutly shocked by this.

INFJ: You are telling me that you drank beer becouse you wanted to forgot your crush INTJ and random man tried to kidnapp you but your crush INTJ came and save you??? Wow.
ENFP: Exeacly. Now I want to sleep.
INFJ: You are luckly that he was near. You know, I needed advice from you for ENTP... I came to your room and you weren't there. I called you, you didn't hang up. I was so worried...
ENFP: That idiot probably took my phone. I mean, that man of course and not INTJ...
INFJ: I know. Now go to sleep.
ENFP: Okay... Good night...

ENFP walked to her room. Now she slept the first moment the entered in the bed.

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