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"Okay," Frank whispered to himself, "room 301, math"

Frank was horrible at math and he knew it, but he would try at this new school.

Not for himself, but for his mom.

She was the only one who cared about him or his grades, and he wanted to give her a reason.

Before he knew it he had arrived at room 301, late, and walked in.

With all eyes on Frank, the teacher asks him what his name is.

"What's it to ya?"

"Well I'm Mr. Dickens, feel free to introduce yourself when you please."

With that Frank took a seat as far back as possible and Mr. Dickens continued class.

Frank looked around the room.

Everywhere he looked the other students were staring at him.

He saw blonde and brunette heads, blue and brown eyes, and all different colored clothing.

The only thing they all had in common was the look of hate all aimed towards Frank.

With his black skinny jeans, misfits t-shirt, and his hair... the sides were shaven and dyed a deep red, the top of his head untouched, with a fringe that accentuated the right side of his face.

Basically the exact opposite of everyone else in the classroom, probably the whole school even.

After surveying the class and sending the kids death glares in response Frank put down his head.

Maybe he would just get a little catnap in before he had to actually start playing attention, right?

Next thing Frank knew the bell was ringing and the next class was shuffling in.

Before Mr. Dickens could see him Frank snuck out of the room, earning an "I'll see you after school Mr. Iero."

"How'd he know my name?" wondered Frank as he sulked on to his next class, P.E.

He was screwed.

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