Stalking Highschoolers in a non-creepy way. (more or less)

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It wasn't often nowadays that Tony Stark was genuinely interested in something. Sure, he funds the Avengers and sometimes builds shit for them but the Team was kind of bland to be honest, and sure, his alter ego aka Iron Man was really fucking cool and his super expensive and kickass armor was the best thing that has blessed this planet in a long time but still, one can only blow up so many corrupt cooperation until the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents became more annoying than amusing.

Tony sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He had been in his workshop slash lab the past few days trying to figure out what the fuck Barton meant when he said that „his bow just wasn't right", everything looked perfectly fine, not even a scratch on the damn thing! He let out a frustrated sigh and tossed the wretched thing to the side again as he had been doing for the past few hours. Tony stole one last glance at it before telling himself fuck it and snatching the weapon up before leaving his workshop behind.

His kitchen that somehow became a communal kitchen after he had so graciously allowed the Avengers to stay in his tower was occupied by the dear Captain and Clint fucking Barton himself. Tony walked up the Archer and basically thrusted the bow back into his hands. The man, startled at first, grinned and weighed the weapon in his hands. „Much better Stark, the other one really sucked."

Tony wasn't proud to say that he stood there for a few seconds completely dumbfounded and frankly feeling very insulted. It was the same fucking bow! What is wrong with these fuc-

The Captain who mistook Tony's silence for something else gently grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. „Thank you, Stark. I'm sure the adjustments will come in handy."

„Sure ice pop.. you gonna drink that?" Tony stalked to the freshly brewed coffee pot and grabbed himself a Hulk-themed mug, „Actually ye-„ Steve started but was promptly interrupted by the other with a „Great, Thanks." and a quickly poured drink. Tony smiled at Steve and took a sip before walking out of the room with a barely contained eye roll.

It was a strategic retreat back to his lab, one that allowed him to not have to converse with the two Avengers that were surely talking about him now. That was honestly one of the few reasons he allowed the team to stay at his place, for free mind you, in the first place. Not-, not the talking about him that is, but the talking in general. Talks about where they thought Iron Man was gonna attack next, how to defeat him (God he loved having an AI that reported everything back to him). Which is also why Tony made their weapons, sure they were fully functional he would never defile his work like that, but it sure wasn't a coincidence that everytime the Avengers got their hands on a new shiny thing Iron Man's armor seemed to withhold it everytime.

Was it morally reprehensible? Oh yeah, definitely. Did he care? Pfffft, he was Tony Stark!

„Hey Jarv' Status report on Birdbrain and Capsicle?"

„They have not yet stopped talking about your manners, Sir."

He grinned to himself and began tinkering with another project of his before Jarvis spoke up again.

„Sir, if i may?"

„Sure what's up buddy?"

„There seemed to be a breach into your bank account this morning at 11:34."

Tony halted and had to take an inner double take at that statement alone. „What the-, why didn't I hear of this sooner?"

„I-„ Jarvis took what was almost a recollecting pause, „I was only just now able to find the breach Sir."

Tony hummed and pulled the laptop to himself to start investigating as well.

„How much?"

„About two-thousand, would you like the exact number?"

„Nope, ahhh, got him.. Central Hospital huh."

It took an embarrassing minute too long before Tony was able to retrace who exactly this mystery hacker was before he found one Peter Benjamin Parker.

The boy's face stared back at him from the bright screen. Tony swiftly stood up „Pull up records, Jarvis." and began combing through the holographic pages.

Peter was a fresh 19 years old Midtown graduate, ran away from foster care at 17 when- oops, that answers the living relative's questions. An Instagram full of aesthetic snapshots of the sky which had been inactive for about half a year. Some minor shoplifting charges and no current address but obviously nursing a pretty hefty stab wound with that hospital bill. Used to work at the daily bugle and currently takes odd jobs, mostly IT stuff, over.. Discord.

Tony let out a delightful laugh and ran a hand over his face. This kid had hacked him. Had hacked the possibly most secure server and dared to have the saddest little website linking to his Discord profile where he was massively underselling his skills for a mere thirty bucks. If he'd met the kid under different circumstances he would have hired him on the... Tony stopped. An idea slowly forming in his sleep deprived and caffeinated little mind.


It was currently around 6pm and Peter was chilling on a rooftop trying and failing to make the time go by faster by playing on his phone. His side, while still aching, had healed pretty well considering how low his self healing abilities were at the moment.. welp, nothing one of Delmars sandwiches couldn't fix! He tried to go to the shop every now and then when the money wasn't too tight and Mr Delmar always managed to stuff just an extra bit more ham and cheese in his already filled cuban.

Peter smiled and felt a stab of hunger at the thought which he was quick to disregard. He did have the time to drop by but he was frankly too lazy. Just another hour or so and it'd be dark enough to put on the suit, so he'd just rather wait it and try to beat this god awful level he's been stuck on.. his character suddenly died as he got distracted by a new notification.

„ACDCrules65..." Peter murmured and clicked on the notification. Sometimes he'd get friend requests or emails from random people trying and basically always succeeding in commissioning him. They were cheap and therefore people would rather try to buy his IT service than some big corporations because of the price difference-

ACDCrules65 was still typing, his name disappearing every now and then.

-but he hadn't gotten a request in almost three months give or take?

ACDCrules65 :  -Hi, I found your website and it linked me to this Discord. Are your crafty little skills still available?

For just a second Peter thought about ignoring the request for now. He'd most probably need a Laptop and for that he'd have to sneak into the library and frankly he-.. yeah no, he needed the money.

PeteParkR : -Yup!

ACDCrules56 : -Perfect, when can we meet for the details?

Peter halted. Meet to discuss the details? That was kinda not so cool, sure Peter was online like a lot but he still had some sort of sense of stranger danger. As though the other sensed his reluctance, another message followed right after.

ACDCrules56 : -I prefer talking about the issue in private. I can also pay more.

Huh. Well one doesn't just refuse free money right? Besides, it started to sound more and more like the guy had gotten himself a virus by watching porn or something.

PeterParK : -Sure that's fine. When and where?

End note:
You all, confessions time. I, just like Tony and Clint's bow, have been researching these past few days how much a stab wound without health insurance would cost in the US and I have found NOTHING!!! If you can actually tell me a rough estimate of what Peter would've actually needed to pay pleaseeee feel free to tell me!!
On another note, I hope all of you guys liked this Chapter and finally Tony's introduction. I think I made it pretty clear in the tags and right here that Tony keeps himself and Iron man pretty separate and while Iron man is considered a villain he goes for corrupt corporations? If not, here it is again lmao-

Peter's unbeatable plan to survive New York City. (hacked a billionaire, help)Where stories live. Discover now