I hate-,.. I love getting kidnapped.

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Tony was supposed to meet the kid in about half an hour but as always he was being an awesome procrastinator. This time it really wasn't his fault though! Tony swerved his armor to the right, dodging one of Hawkeye's arrows by just an inch and letting it explode against a random lamp post. Not like he didn't pay 40% of the collateral damages for the Avengers anyways.

It was supposed to be a quick in and out. Grab the hammer-tech, fly away. Easy. Until the Falcon grabbed him from behind mid-air and they both toppled down to the hard ground where Captain America and Black Widow were waiting for him. Sam still clung to his suit like a demented koala baby, his wings bent in a way that made Tony groan at the thought of the next couple of days in his lab. These guys were way too reckless with the tech he provided.

„Try again Legolas!" Tony's mechanical sounded loudly over the, from people devoid, place and another arrow whirred past him. Tony checked the clock again, 17:14, so 16 more minutes until he'd had to meet the kid. Cap's shield was currently functioning as a frisbee or some shit as it hit his lower leg bouncing off with a metallic clank but succeeding greatly in making Iron Man sack a few meters down towards the ground.  The Team cheered and Tony couldn't help but grin to himself as he continued to dive down and soon the cheers turned to frantically shouted strategies and running in hopes of catching up to him. Tony could already see the white box the Avengers managed to wrangle off of him in the distance, he accelerated just a bit more and grabbed it with both his hands before pulling up and quite literally disappearing above the clouds. 8 more minutes until he had to meet the kid.


Peter was early. He was sitting at a table in front of some fancy, but surprisingly empty, hipster cafe waiting for his client who made the reservation in the first place but failed to give him his name. And Peter would not go in there and ask for „ACDCrules65". Instead he was just waiting it out and trying to see if anyone looked as though they were waiting as well or all alone, so far only the nervous and twitchy man inside the restaurant with a bundle of roses next to him fit the criteria, but he was there even before Peter was so he ruled him out.

Peter pulled out his phone and quickly checked for any new messages, there were none, and resumed his waiting when suddenly the wind picked up above him and there was a relatively loud whirring sound. He slowly looked up, his spidey-sense only a slight buzz against the back of his head, and was met with a golden blob in the sky. The people around him began to take notice of the noise and blob as well and soon enough everyone was facing up watching as the blob slowly took form and began to not only be gold but also red. That's when the first 'Oh shit..' was uttered and the people began to slowly but surely run away.

Iron Man landed in front of Peter with a loud metallic klang.

He didn't know wether to run away or fight the man but his senses weren't sounding the alarm and why the fuck was Iron Man walking towards him and-, holy shit he just sat down in front of him!

„Sup Kid, sorry I'm late."

"What the fuck."

„You think the waiter is still around here somewhere?"


"You're right, probably not."


The Villain sighed. „You sure don't seem too bright."

Peter stared at the metallic mask in front of him and let his thoughts run wild and somehow that one, single, most absurd statement left his gaping mouth,

"You're ACDCrules!"

"Hell yeah." the other responded and reached his hand out with a whirring sound as though he was offering Peter a fist bump. Literally what was his life.

Peter's unbeatable plan to survive New York City. (hacked a billionaire, help)Where stories live. Discover now