One Must Fall

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The fall was hard, she grunted in pain as she got up. Zeke had completed his game, he ran over to Sans to help her up. Logan opened the door to the hall. Zeke and Sans walk out, Logan follows behind them and Zeke approaches the last door ready to leave this horrific place. He opened the door, noticing his game wasn't done yet. He saw 2 hooks on a metal spike, and a doll of Sans and Logan. The TV turned on.

"This is your final game. You must save them both, which you must hold the hooks and make sure each doll survives. If you let one go, that person will die. There is a chip implanted in their neck which will explode if they lose connection with their doll. You may save only one if you wish. Live or die, Logan and Sanaya, the choice is Ezekiel's. The dolls are crying..." The hooks started to pull from the spikes, Ezekiel ran over grabbing them both, a clock began to tick "Please just be 60 seconds..." He said as the hooks were pulled slowly. The clock began to tick louder, and the hooks were about to pull Zeke apart. Zeke thought of something and put his foot in the left hook, and the clock ticked louder. After what felt like forever, the clock stopped and the chips made a sound. They deactivated, and Zeke let go of the hooks dropping the dolls. They fell and a door opened revealing outside. There were no people to be seen. All 3 of them walked out alive. Zeke fell to the ground with pain in his leg. Logan and Sans helped him up and started to walk to look for someone to help.

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