The loan shark tiger and the genie of the bottle

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Elsewhere in the Zootopia kingdom, the dalmatian puppy trio and the Aristocat kitten trio were at the docks, looking for Tommy and the others. Marie: "Hello?, Gidget?" Patch: "Tommy?, where are you?" Cadpig: "Where could they be?, for that matter... where could we be?" Toulouse: "Well... the trio decided to send us to the Zootopia kingdom or the dinosaur kingdom... so I'm guessing this must be the Zootopia kingdom..." Berlioz: "It would explain why the people here freaked out when they saw us..." said Berlioz, as he gets flashback of when they landed in the kingdom, and many of the folks freaked out and called the police to go after them. Rolly: "How could the people here treat us like we're a threat, even though we didn't do anything?" Patch: "I've heard that the kingdom here had many incidents that involve the predators going savage, making the folks here scared of them... which has been going on here for years..." Marie: "Oh... how could this be happening... we were finally free from Scar's tyranny, only for him to come back and kick us out of our own home and ended up in a place where many believe predators are the bad guys... even if they're kids like us..." Toulouse: "Come on sis... I'm sure things will turn up right soon enough." Marie: "Right... and I could even find the boy of my dreams here..." said Marie in a sarcastic tone in her voice. Suddenly, the sound of some trash cans being knocked over were heard, and the pups and kittens went over to investigate, and once they got there, they see an orange male kitten and a cream colored mix breed female puppy. Their names were Oliver (voiced by young Joey Lawrence) the kitten, and Angel (voiced by Alyssa Milano) the puppy, and they were singing together. ♪One minute I'm in Central Park, then, I'm down on Delancey Street♫, ♪said, from the Bow'ry to St Mark's, There's a syncopated beat, Right♫, ♪I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪I'm streetwise, I can improvise♫, ♪I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪I'm street smart, I've got New York City heart♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪It's just be-bopulation, And I got street savoir faire♫, ♪The rhythm of the city, But once you get it down♫, ♪Said, then you can own this town, You can wear the crown!♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪I may not have a dime, But I got street savoir faire♫, ♪Why should I worry?, Why should I care?♫, ♪It's just be-bopulation, And I got street savoir faire♫, I said, Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo♫, ♪Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo~♫. Once the song was over, the street pup and kitten were surprised to see newcomers. Angel: "Hello, are you street pups and kittens?" Patch: "Uh... no, not exactly..." said Patch, before Angel went to take a closer look at the pup, who was blushing a little. Angel: "Hmm... I've never seen you here before, new around here?" Patch: "Yeah... you could say that, I'm Patch, and these are my siblings, Rolly and Cadpig." Rolly: "Hi." Cadpig: "Salutations." Oliver: "Huh?" Patch: "That's a fancy way to say hello." Oliver: "Oh... I'm Oliver, Angel's brother." Toulouse: "But you're a cat?" Angel: "Well I'm more of his big sister figure as the little guy has no family to call his own." Berlioz: "What?, he has no mama or father?" Angel: "No... and the same goes with me... and because of that, we look out for each other." Oliver: "Yeah, and Angel is the best big sister a kitten like me could ever have, um... who might you be?" Berlioz: "I'm Berlioz." Toulouse: "I'm Toulouse." Marie: "And I'm Marie~." said Marie while winking at Oliver, who was confused by the wink. Oliver: "Did you get something in your eye?" Marie: "Only you handsome." this made Oliver more confused while Angel couldn't help but giggle as she knew what was going on. Oliver: "Handsome?, what do you mean?" before Marie could answer, the sound of a car honking was heard, which made Angel very nervous. Angel: "Oh no... Shere Khan..." Patch: "Who's that?" Angel: "Never mind, you guys hide." Oliver: "But what about you?" Angel: "I'll go see what he wants... though I have a good idea what he wants... just don't try to make a scene." said Angel, before she heads to streets, where a car was waiting for her. Inside was a tiger named Shere Khan (voiced by Tony Jay) smoking a cigar. Shere Khan: "Ah... Angie... you're here..." Angel: "Actually... it's Angel sir... how can I help you?" Shere Khan: "Well... I gave you some money for you and your friend to survive right?" Angel: "Yes..." Shere Khan: "Well I want you to pay me back the money in return... and yet you have not given so much as a cent." Angel: "Well... it's not easy for predators like us to get much money around here and..." Shere Khan: "I'm fully aware of that... but I just don't care... either you pay me back... or else... have I made myself clear?" said Shere Khan in a clam yet angry tone in his voice. Angel: "Y-y-yes sir... very clear..." back with the others, they were still waiting for Angel to come back, when the sound of wings flapping were heard, and a parrot, named Iago (voiced by Gilbert Gottfried) came down. Iago: "Well looky here, a bunch of brats who owe Shere Khan some money." Marie: "What are you talking about?, we don't owe this Shere Khan guy anything." Toulouse: "Yeah, we never even met the guy." Iago: "Whatever, all I know is that the puppy and this orange kitten owe the boss a lot of money, and if they don't pay soon... they'll pay." said Iago, which made Oliver very scared. That was when Cadpig noticed something moving on the ground, which was a snake named Kaa (voiced by Jim Cummings), another one of Shere Khan's minions. Kaa: "Yes-s-s... either they give us money... or be lunch." Marie: "As if we would let you make a meal out of us." Kaa: "Watch me..." said Kaa, before his eyes started to make a hypnotic pattern, causing Marie to be put into a hypnotic trance. Before Kaa could swallow her whole, Oliver used his claws to scratch the snake on the nose, which was very painful to the snake. Oliver: "Leave her alone!" Kaa: "Ooh... my sinus-s-s... you have made a very s-s-serious mistake kitten..." Patch: "Back off!" shouted Patch, before he tried to bark, but only made a squeaking sound of a squeaky toy, which made both Iago and Kaa laughed. Iago: "Did he just sat on a squeaky toy?, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" said Iago, before Cadpig grabbed both Kaa and the parrot by the neck and tied them up together. Cadpig: "Never... make fun of my brother... in front of me... got it?!" said Cadpig in an angry tone that scared both the snake and the parrot. Kaa: "Y-y-yes..." Iago: "Clear as crystal!" Cadpig: "Good... now go away!" once she said that, both Kaa and Iago left the pups and kittens alone again, while Angel was still talking to Shere Khan. Angel: "Please sir... if you just give me more time..." Shere Khan: "... Very well... I'll give you 3 days... and that's it." said Shere Khan, before he honks his car's horn to summon his minions, only to see them tied up and went into the car. Iago: "Uh... things got a little... knotty, in our end..." Kaa: "Buddy... bad pun..." Shere Khan: "Never mind... we'll be waiting for the payment in 3 days." said the tiger, before he drove away from the scene, while Angel was looking worried, before seeing the others coming to her. Angel: "Well... I got good news and bad news..." Oliver: "What's the good news?" Angel: "Well... Shere Khan is giving us time to get the money to pay him back..." Oliver: "And the bad news?" Angel: "Well... the bad news is that we only got 3 days to get the money..." Rolly: "How are you gonna get it in just 3 days?" Angel: "That's just it... we can't... not by ourselves..." Patch: "Well... we can help ya if you want." Angel: "Really?, you mean it?" Patch: "Sure." Toulouse: "But Patch, we gotta get back home." Patch: "I know, but Angel and Oliver need help, and maybe they can help us get home." Marie: "Yeah, I want to help Oliver to thank him for saving me from that vile snake." Angel: "Wait... you mean Oliver tied up Iago and Kaa?" Oliver: "Uh... it was Cadpig who did that really." Cadpig: "But you did gave that snake a good scratch on the nose." Patch: "Yeah... that helped a lot more than I did..." Oliver: "You mean your bark?" Cadpig: "Hey don't make fun of my brother's barking, even if it does sound like a squeaky toy." Angel: "Really?, this I gotta hear." Patch: "Uh... I prefer if you don't..." Rolly: "Just do it, she'll find out sooner or later." said Rolly, before Patch let out a defeated sigh and let out his squeaky bark, which made Angel giggled a little. Angel: "Wow, that's the cutest bark I've ever heard." Patch: "Ugh... why can't I bark like a real dog?" Cadpig: "Don't worry big bro, I'm sure your bark will get better sooner or later." Patch: "You're right... thanks sis..." Angel: "Well I'm very grateful, but it's gonna take a miracle to get us out of this mess..." said Angel, before Oliver saw something floating in the water and pick it up, which turned out to be some kind of Arabian based bottle. Oliver: "Wow... this is one pretty bottle... it could be worth some coins..." said Oliver, before he started rubbing it to dry it off. Suddenly, the bottle started to shake, and jumping around like a jumping bean. Angel: "Oliver, stop messing around with that bottle." Oliver: "But it's not me, the bottle's jumping by itself!" suddenly, green smoke came out of the bottle, and the smoke transformed into what looked like a green female genie. Her name was Eden (voiced by Debi Derryberry) and she was happy to be out of the bottle. Eden: "Whoa!, what year is this?, tell me I didn't missed the gold rush of 49, I just love to conga!" Oliver: "Uh..." Marie: "Is that... what I think it is..." Patch: "If you mean a female genie... then yeah..." Oliver: "Uh... who are you?, and what are you?" Eden: "Oh pardon me, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Eden, the genie of the bottle." Oliver: "A what of the bottle?" Eden: "Oh you know, the spirit that lives in a bottle, and since you freed me by rubbing my bottle, I'm here to grant you 3 wishes." Oliver: "Really?, why?" Eden: "It's what genies do little guy, we grant 3 wishes to whoever rubs the lamp... or bottle in my case." Angel: "Really?, like anything?" Eden: "Well... almost, there are some wishes I'm not allowed to grant, like I'm not allowed to kill anyone, or make anyone fall in love, or bring people back from the dead, it's no pretty picture, trust me... and no wishing for more wishes either, but other than that, what you wish for, I'll grant it." Oliver: "Wow... [stomach growling] oh sorry... just feeling hungry right now..." Angel: "Yeah... it's been a while since we last ate... like a few days ago." Eden: "Seriously?, didn't your parents feed you?" Oliver: "Actually... Angel and I don't have parents... we're orphans..." Eden: "Oh you poor things... tell you what, make a wish for food and I'll grant it." Oliver: "So... I could wish for a sandwich?" Eden: "Oh please, I'm an all powerful genie, surely you can wish bigger than that." Oliver: "So... a really big sandwich?" asked Oliver, before Angel just face palmed herself. Eden: "Uh... I'll have to band the rules on this... kid, repeat after me, 'I wish to never go hungry again for the rest of my life', got it?" Oliver: "Uh... okay, I wish to never go hungry again for the rest of my life." Eden: "Sold!" said Eden, before she snaps her fingers and a big box of pizza magically appeared and the kids were amazed by the sight of it. Oliver: "Wow!, pizza!, and it's big and fresh!" Eden: "Of course, please enjoy." said Eden, before Oliver and the other kids began enjoying the pizza. Patch tries to share a slice to Angel, who then shares back her slice to the dalmatian pup. Cadpig noticed this and started to feel jealous. Cadpig: "What does she have that I don't?" Rolly: "What do you mean?, a bigger slice?" Cadpig: "No... I think Patch has a crush on her." Rolly: "Really?, well I can't blame him... she's really pretty..." Cadpig: "She might look pretty, but that doesn't mean she can take my brother." Rolly: "Who said she was trying to take him away?" Cadpig: "Nobody... but she no doubt just took his heart... and if she breaks it... I'll make her pay..." Rolly: "I think Patch's heart is the least of our problems, for we still need a way back home before Scar destroys it again." Cadpig: "Oh yeah..." said Cadpig, before Oliver noticed that Marie was right next to him. Marie: "So... have you ever had a night with a girl before?" Oliver: "Well I hang out with Angel, if that's what you mean." Marie: "No, I mean with... a girlfriend." Oliver: "Uh... a friend that's a girl?" Marie: "Well... that's not what I meant..." Oliver: "Then what?" Eden: "Boy... that kitten is so clueless..." Angel: "Well he is a kid after all, and he has never gotten a chance to know these things." Eden: "I see..." Angel: "So uh... you can grant all of Oliver's wishes, right?" Eden: "Well only 3, and he just used wish number 1." Angel: "Well... can you grant money wishes... cause we owe a certain tiger some and if we don't pay him... well let's just say he has a hungry snake waiting for a meal." Eden: "Oh my... well I might be able to work that out... but the kid needs to make that wish first." Angel: "Good to know..." said Angel, as she started to feel like maybe luck was starting to shine on her and Oliver.

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