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Duryodhana blinked bakck his tears as he barged into his room, not bothering to check if there was anyone in his room or not.

On the way , he bumped into a dasi and she almost fell.

Karn, who was waiting in his friends chaimbers cot the poor girl of almost dushala's age.

She bowed her head low gratefully to karn and scurried away.

Duryodhana , without even noticing his friend there, slamed the door shut.

He knew all of the mades must have ran away by now and he was sure that nobody would be there in his room at this Odd hour.

It was almost 1AM in the morning .

Duryodhana fell to the flore. Karn knew something was terribly wrong with his friend.

But he knew his dear mitr was not in a condition to here him out or even notice him.

Something has gone wrong, but , what?

He thought as he leaned onto a wall, just a few feet away from Duryodhana.

The prince Abruptly stood up from the floor and put out , or rather, threw down all the lambs down on to the floor.

Karn startled moved away at the right time or else, he would Probably have been hit by one of the lambs.

The oil splattered all over the room.

Duryodhana's body was Wrecking with sobs now.

He fell down onto the ground again and cried his heart out.

"why?. Why?. Don't I deserve love? Don't I deserve happiness? Do I even deserve life? The man, the man upon whom I layed my entire trust broke it into shatters. Just as if it was as simple as that. I never expected this from you, mamanshri. He spat as he gasped for breath. You ... you just just played with my love. Wherein I thought of you loving me , you were just u-using m-me, as a political tool in your game of – destroying our dynasty.. I sware upon the world. Until I , and the pandavas are alive, you will be able to do nothing to our dynasty. Be where, mamanshri, he scoffed and corrected himself. "beware, gandharraj Shakuni".

He said and due to lack of air, he passed out.

Karn who was a Witness to all his friend's miseries, felt anger Creeping into his veins as hot tears Threatened to fall from his eyes. He controlled his emotions and lifted the unconscious Duryodhana up in his hands.

Duryodhana's hands were Wounded Severely.

It was bleeding heavily.

Karn found the medication kit kept in every prince's room and upplyed medicin to duryodhana's hands and tied it up with a peace of the silk he wore.

Then, he sprinkled some water on the prince's face. Before Duryodhana could open his eyes, karn snuck out of his room, slowly shuting the door.

He didn't know why. His heart said that his friend had suffered much more than he did.

He had got at least some love from his radha ma and adirat pita.

But his friend?

Being the eldest, he has so many responsibilities.

He had to take care of 100 of his siblings.

His father maharaj dritarashtr and queen Gandhari was always busy with their royal duties that they never even spared a glance at their children.

Karn could not forget the handsom innocent face of his Duryodhana crumpled and all miserable ...

He walked through the coridoors and found torn pieces of some paper.

"mending bonds", the changed epic, book 1✔️Where stories live. Discover now