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Jeongin was currently rapidly pressing on his computer keys in an attempt of getting done with his work, it was only his second day and somehow he felt like he had been working here his entire life. Obviously, he still wasn't fully accustomed but he was making fast progress, and that barely happened with him. No wonder Felix told him he radiated happy energy and sprinkled positive fairy dust whenever he went. Like an all natural happy pill.

..Or maybe Felix was generally talking.

It wasn't the first time he had been told that he looked sweet and whoever came close to him would get diabetes. No doubt.

He didn't really like those jokes though.

This shouldn't be too hard.

He was almost done with the entirety of his work, before he'd start on another thing. For now though, he was working on creating talking points for his client's interview.

He was just calmly, tranquilly, creating talking points. He felt comfortable, nothing was bugging him, no little crumbs that somehow ended up falling into his shirt and annoying him until he gets up and pinches a bit of the fabric between his hands and waves it back and forth 'til the crumbs fall out. None of the annoying comments his old teammates used to ask him about. 'Hey, what is this?' 'What are you writing ' 'Oh, are you working?' First of all, how are you working in this office if you're constantly asking questions about this job? How the fuck did you get accepted? Second of all, of course I'm working. Why else would I be sitting down here in business attire if I'm not working? God. He was so grateful he left that place, all the people just looked like they had no idea what they were doing, or what others (By others he means himself.) were doing, as if they just got dragged out of the comfort of their bed on a Monday morning, forced into a suit, pushed into a car, and told to work. No explanation whatsoever. They roamed and roamed and roamed. For what reason? He didn't know. Were they getting paid to annoy the living hell out of Jeongin? Were they getting paid to wander around aimlessly and ask about anything and everything? Those questions are going unanswered for the years to come.

Anyway, Jeongin was just grateful he managed to escape that hell hole. At least he's actually enjoying his time next to Hyunjin and Felix here. He was sure they asked him like two questions while he was busied with pondering his existence instead of typing away on the computer like he was, supposed to be doing. But come on here, everyone's allowed to zone out for a while, right? We're humans after all.

I should stop. Go work Jeongin.

Just as he was about to finally focus back on his task, the door creaked open. He paid that no mind. Someone's just coming in, that's normal, that's like, expected. He continued working. But just as he was finally getting emersed, the door opened once more.

He was just going to ignore—

Everyone stood up, shuffling, creating noise that harassed his eardrums, the screeching of the chairs, the words being exchanged all at once for some reason. And in a flash, he was being pulled up by a grip Hyunjin had on his arm.

He looked at him in confusion, but Hyunjin just whispered "I'll explain later, you'll get it on your own before that though, I'm sure." Jeongin nodded and worked on smoothing his shirt out, stretching, flexing his fingers and curling them back to get the desired crack that instantly relaxed him for one reason or another, he just really liked the sound. And considering the way that the entirety of his days were spent typing his life away and staring at a screen that could do nothing else but stare back. (And blind him in the process.) And that most of the hours in his day were washed away in a blink like the calming waves of the beach that rocked gently back and forth, wetting the sand and carrying away all types of seashells, rocks, ants, creatures to explore the world underneath, he really needed to be cracking his fingers. Even if it was 'unhealthy' like some people told him, he just had to.

The Office - JeongchanWhere stories live. Discover now