14. Falling Apart

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Author's Pov

[Before this part starts, can I take a moment to justify myself ? This part may be a little more emotional, and you may be triggered by some scenes and must be gonna blame me to make it like that . But just think it as a storm before a peaceful atmosphere, okay? But okay, to curse me, just kidding, guys. I'm just making you guys prepared for the whole chapter the complete mess. Wow, it's better to make this as a title, but it seems like not have any sense...OK I am stopping the blabbering ... and just get back to the story ...]

Both Ohm and Nanon were shocked by the sudden revelations and truths they heard . Nanon was trying to remember about that night, and even in his inner dreams, he was not sure about that night. But it was sure its all happened and as Nani said the product of his mistake and the victim of his rape can he say that really ,when he was also not in a real mind to think straightly and leave Ohm there like that.He felt his past is hitting him hard . Eve was already asleep in the chair, and he was tied up. But the sudden revelation is the elephant in the room now, and nanon is trying to swallow the truth. It's not easy for him to accept something like this, which he can't even remember . He looked at Eve, who was asleep with a pale face, and he couldn't believe it was his own blood, and that made him more guilty and angry towards Nani at the same time .

Ohm was already out of his sense, and seeing those videos more, he is disgusted by himself, and he felt very much awkward. His mind is really having difficulty accepting the sudden revealed truth. He was ready to accept Nani, denying Eve's parentcy, and he didn't even mind it because he already faced that denial but he can't accept that Nanon is Eve's parent and he was wrong about all the things happened in his life until now . His mind only has a question. Now, what to do with this new information?

As a man who has his own pride and ethics, he can't even accept this fate and accept Nanon . Even though he had this doubt when he saw Eve and Nanon together and how they were bonding with each other so much, which is surprisingly new , he really once thought Nanon is Eve's father but the next moment he lughed off his stuid thought. Everyone who saw Nanon and Eve together they all thought Eve is Nanon's son . Now, Ohm can connect the dots . How his parents said and how others said about Eve and Nanon all are now making sense . Why was he so stupid to think Nani was the father when Eve didn't even have any features or similarities with Nani ? How can he brush off smaller details and blame himself for his own mistake when someone else was the reason for this misery in his life . All the sorrow and all the breaking he had was all because of Nani, and he can even blame Nanon, too .

Even though it's good that Nanon is Eve's father and Eve finally got 2 parents, it was so hard to accept for Ohm that he slept with another man . His own boyfriend sell his body, and they even have sex and the outcome of all that is Eve . He can't even think all of these , disgust and pain that is making him a dead person with only breath and a heartbeat . How can he avoid this all . How can he only think that Eve got his other parent, and it is Nanon who is his current boyfriend, and he even wanted to be his father even before the truth is revealed .

The more Ohm think the more Ohm suspect Nanon . He now even has a thought that Nanon was faking all these things. But in the next instant he reached in a better conclusion that Nanon may already know about this all and that's why he came to Ohm's life from the start and trying to get a good bond with Ohm and Eve . May be he felt guilty or he is planning something else . Or else how can a complete player who can't even stick with one relationship more than a week dating him for 2 months and even wanting to be his son's other father whom he met only for 2 months .It's so hard to have a bond with a kid and want to be a parent. I heard once chimon teased him by saying he hated kids' presence and he didn't want a kid . So how can he be close with Eve and want to be his parent so soon . Ohm looked at Nanon with a blank expression. Ohm is believing now that Nanon already knows about this all, and that's why he came to Ohm's life and wanted to be Eve's parent .

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