A shining star!

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After they finish eating, Bill rubs his full belly and burps a little.

Bill: "It feels so good to have some food after a long time..." He says grinning.

Elise: "The food here is the best in town!! I'm glad you guys liked it!"

Now the 5 of them get back to Elise's workshop, he still can't believe that he actually became friends with a band! A band!! He really wants to ask them a lot of questions, but he doesn't want to get into anything personal or come off as annoying...

Elise: "Oh my god, I can't believe that I didn't even ask your names!! Do you mind also telling me what role each one of you has in the band??" He asks, frustrated.

Bill: "Oh well I'm Bill, this is my twin brother, Tom *points to Tom*, he is Georg and he is Gustav!"

Tom: "Bill is the singer, I'm the guitarist, Georg is the bassist and Gustav is the drummer!"

Elise: "Wooooww that's super cool!!"

Bill still tries to remember what he saw before falling unconscious... He can't even clearly describe what he witnessed, but he's not even sure about it himself so he just sits there, doubting himself in his mind...


Elise suddenly breaks the silence, smiling and fixing his small glasses.

Elise: "I was just curious... How did you guys came up with the idea of becoming a band or... How did you become famous?"

Bill flinches at the elf's question, now remembering the start of his band's friendship.

Bill: "Oh well... My dad had his own band and me and Tom got inspired by him... And I started to sing while he started playing the guitar... *smiles softly* we were about 7 years old..."

Elise: "Awww... That's so sweet, tell me everything! I love hearing stories!... If that's fine with you of course!!"

Bill: "No don't worry... It's fine..." He gives him a reassuring smile.

Tom: "Yeah... And after a while we realized that we needed a bassist and a drummer, and I guess we somehow found these two! *He points at Georg and Gustav*"

Bill: "And... That's how we found each other..."

Tom: "And about getting famous...? Bill, you did it all.. *he pats his brother's shoulder while smiling*"

Bill: "*chuckles* yeah... When I was about 13 I went on this show "Star Search", where I competed against other children my age... *He remembers everything while smiling*... I remember working very hard for my performance, day and night..."

Tom: "And you did great...!"

Bill: "I still got second place tho... *sigh* so it didn't really get me anywhere... Just a punk kid who participated at a talent show..."


Bill: "But that was just the start...!"

Tom: "Yeah... Even if Bill didn't win that day, we were still a band and kept performing in clubs..."

Bill: "Mhm... And one day we were lucky enough so a producer noticed us and brought us with him to his studio to record some songs!!.... And... I guess that's how it all happened...! *Chuckles slightly*"

Elise: "Oh my... That... IS AWESOME!!!" He seems to have been intrigued by the boys' story.

Tom: "But what about you..? How is everything going in your workshop thingy or whatever typa office this is??"

Elise: "*chuckles* well... My story is not as interesting as yours... But if you insist.... *Clears throat*.... So, when I was a child, I realized that I had an interest in inventing stuff out of random materials! And as I grew up I became even more interested in this whole thing... But my dad... I don't think he really supports my interests... *He says with a frown*.... He just... Never really seemed to care... But I managed to open my own workshop as you can see!... I... Just want to make my father proud of me... At least once...."


Bill: "Oh... I'm... Sorry for that..."

Elise: "No no no, it's fine! *He tries to play it off* I... Got used to it..."

Bill puts a hand on Elise's shoulder confidently.

Bill: "Maybe you couldn't make your dad proud... But it's his fault if he doesn't appreciate your hard work!! And I'm sure he would be proud of your teleporting device!!" He tries to make him feel a bit better...

Elise makes eye contact with Bill, he realizes that the boys truly care about him, he can see it in Bill's starry gaze... Truly a shining star that he is...
The elf's self esteem went higher after Bill's words...

Elise: "Yeah... You're right! You really are!"

Bill smiles at him, but the memories hit him again, the fact that everything has been destroyed, Elise notices this.

Elise: "Hey... Are you alright?"

Bill: "I'm fine..! It's fine... Really... *Smiles*"

Elise looks at the clock, "10:23 pm"

Elise: "Yeah... I mean hey, you've been through a lot and I mean, it's getting pretty late... How about we get some sleep for now and leave everything for tomorrow?"

Georg: "Wait but... We're 4... Where are we gonna sleep??"

Elise: "Guys no need to worry! I have a special room for guests!!"

The elf leads the guys to the guest dorm room, it's really spacious and has a nice vintage attire.

After they brush their teeth and change into pajamas, they go to sleep...

"11:45 pm"

Tom is asleep, Georg is snoring, Gustav is upside down in his bed, but Bill can't seem to fall asleep...

*In Bill's mind:* "What was that anyway..? No, it can't be... You definitely watched to many sci fi movies..... But... That thing... *He remembers the creature that he saw before the light fell on him*... What... Was it...?? It was probably a hallucination... I remember being really thirsty... But what if...? No..... What about mom...? Is she ok?? She's probably so worried right now.... Our home... Is gone...... Just try to sleep already... You're overthinking all of this...

After some hard time, Bill finally falls asleep... But he had a very weird dream... He dreamed about being in an empty void... Everything was white... Only some mechanical pieces floating around... He was all alone in there....

*Dream* Bill: "Hello?... Anyone here??....... Hellooo??"

He suddenly sees Tom and runs to him... But it... Doesn't feel like Tom...

*Dream* Tom: "Why did all of this happen...."

After Bill backs off, Tom dissapears... Then he sees little Tom, his 13 year old self playing the guitar, he was happy...


In This Together- Tokio Hotel☆ (2005)Where stories live. Discover now