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Since Fiona and Ragnar had spotted the wooden ship that was heading to shore, they readied the men and had told them the plan of waiting in the tall grass that surrounded the edge of the far side of the beach camp that was up a ways surrounded by hills. Which in their favor hid there camp

As the men readied themselves, with Ragnar, Aodhan and a few others on horses back while others on foot. Two men reported back that it was Sverri ship, but a new player had entered the game.

The one-eyed son of Kjartan, Sven Kjartansson.

Fiona looked to Ragnar who now held a distant look in his deep green eyes. She brushed it off now knowing the history behind the one eyed man. She readied herself by putting a cloak around her shoulders and pulled the hood up covering her chocolate hair. She gripped her sword in her right hand as she made her way quietly through the tall grass.

She had convinced Aodhan and Ragnar to let her sneak her way through the enemy's camp so she could get closer to the men that were unloaded from the ship. Not only so she can find her brother sooner but in case something went wrong and one of the men went for any of the prisoners she could get there sooner.

So that is what she was doing, sneaking her way through the camp, ducking behind long patches of grass and creates as men walked by. Her dark cloak blending in a little to the shadows.

She shifted her weight in her feet as she walked, heel to toe, to stay silent. She ran across the gaps between the few walled tents, quickly ducking behind a wooden crate just as a warrior turned the corner in her direction. He was heading to the beach as a deep voice calls out to Jonis the slaver.

Fiona followed the sound of the voices and came to a halt behind a tan walled tent. Crouching down into the tall grass she watched with a careful eye. As she put the deep voice to the face of a rugged Dane that had his left side of his face inked with Viking markings. His brown hair pulled back into a bun and had a decent long beard to match his hair.

He was dressed well for a ship master and in a white long tunic with a brown leather belt that held his sheathed long knife. He looked irritated as he talked but did not act on it.

A few steps in front of the male stood a decently tall Dane, with shoulder length dirty blond hair and a blond shaggy beard. He had an eye patch covering his left eye. He had a higher pitched voice like a child but carried himself with such false confidence.


As who she now new the first Dane as Sverri motioned to the tent that was only a few feet in front of her to where the prisoners all stood in a line underneath the roofed tent. Sven walked towards them. Fiona's chestnut eyes moved to one after the other.

Her heart was pounding in her ears as she searched for her older brother. She watched many of them sway a little as if they were still on the boat. All of them wore dirty torn tunics and trousers. Everyone's hair was grown out and tangled, their skin looked stained by dirt.

She couldn't find her brother. She didn't see him. She sucked in a breath holding it as Sven seemed to stop and stare at one of the prisoners. Fiona shifted her footing to get a look hoping to see around the few prisoners that blocked her view.

Thump thump.

Fiona's eyes widened as Sven spoke, "Uhtred Ragnerson?"

Her grip on her sword handle tightened and her knuckles flushed white. Sven spoke to Sverri, but kept his eyes on the silent warrior.

"It is him." Sven rested his hands together in front of him as his one eye studied the man. "I have waited for this moment."

There was a silence with only the sound of the distan ocean waves crashing into shore in the background.

The Little Wolf || 𝐔𝐡𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now