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Before the sun had even risen in the sky, Fiona and Aodhan made their way back to the camp and started to pack up their supplies into their packs on their horses. Fiona started a fire and made a quick breakfast for the group.

Once they had started to wake with the morning sun, they all quickly ate their breakfast with a thank you to Fiona. Then begin to pack up the supplies to leave.

It wasn't before the group of warriors, were on horseback quickly galloping through pastures and wooded paths to Epchester nunnery.

Uhtreds leads the group on his white mare. A contrast to the rest of the dark-haired horses.

As soon as Epchester nunnery gate came into view Uhtred was quick to swing his leg over jumping from his horse before it even came to a stop. Rushing through the gates and towards the nunnery.

Fiona and Aodhan followed behind Finan as he stopped his horse next to Uhtreds and followed him as Uhtred called out for his lover


Fiona's shoulders tensed as the nunnery around them seemed eerily quiet, despite the nun's that they had seen run into the church. Fiona's hand going and gripping the hilt of her sheathed sword at her hip. Aodhan stayed close to Fiona as he also since the uneasiness in the air.

A woman's cry came from the church calling out for Uhtred. Fiona glanced at Aodhan and then at Finan, they both gave her a reassuring look before the three of them plus Ragnar, and Hild were quick to follow the Lord into the church.

"You will let her go!"

Once Fiona had gotten into the church she watched as the Father walked to Uhtred meeting him before he could get to his love.

"You are too late."

They watched as one of the men holding Gisela put a sword to her throat causing Uhtred to stop his movements. "You will let her go!"

Fiona glared at the men, she stayed by Finan's side Aodhan standing behind her. Letting Uhtred deal with this and waiting for her cure to jump in if needed.

"She is married now. She belongs to Aelfric."

"It is a lie, Uhtred."

Uhtred looked around in disbelief "Where is Aelfric?" He held out his hands to his side "If he is not here, then he cannot be married."

Fiona let a snarl grow on her features at the father's superior complex of being a priest. "By proxy, you fool! This man stood beside her in the place of Aelfric."

Fiona watched as the male that was now in place of Aelfric flinched, taking a step back. Then, another priest who seemed to know Uhtred well spoke up.

"Uhtred in the eyes of God, she is married."

"Did you hump her for Aelfric?"

"He did not." Gisela's angelic voice was quick to respond.

"Then there is no marriage, it is a lie." Uhtred argued.

"She is married and it cannot be undone!" The Father yelled out

"Make her a widow," Ragnar spoke up now with a shrug of his shoulder.

The male was quick to call out in protest. He was clearly in fear of the group that stood in front of him.

"Gisela is married to Aelfric, Not to Aidan."

The male, Aiden, quickly added to the priest's statement in his defense, "I have a wife already. A different wife."

"Uhtred, I'm bored with this. Kill them all." Ragnar stated as he took the steps to stand next to his brother his hands moved to rest holding the front of his belt.

The Little Wolf || 𝐔𝐡𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now