Cirque Du Freak (Larry Stylinson)

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It took Harry Styles fifteen long years to figure out he didn't belong. And then three years after that to figure out he had to do something about it. His father was horribly abusive, mother an alcoholic who sold herself in the streets for drugs. After Harry ran away he came across ... Cirque Du Freak ... where the people really and truly are freaks. Beautiful, astonishing freaks. There is where he meets the love of his life who shows him that no, pain and love are not a two for one deal.


Cirque Du Freak : Part One

The first time Harry noticed he didn't belong was when he was fifteen and the only one with bruises on his body.

The other kids at school teased him endlessly, calling him names that weren't his own. Things like "Weirdo," and "freak," were thrown around. He tried to block it off thinking of his mum and what she once had told him before when she was sober, "people cannot make something of you that you are not" and It is true. You are who you are and no amount of words can simply change that ... unless they say it enough times. Then it's different. Something else entirely.

"Curly, curly!" Came the loud screech from the end of the hall. Matt Cardle made his way to him, swaggering with every step. His group of noble followers at his sides, as always.

Harry didn't say anything, he didn't even look up. Instead he continued to put books inside of his locker nonchalantly. This made Matt angry. With his right hand he hit the books and they came flying to the ground. He then pushed Harry into the rows of lockers.

"Listen here, and listen good," he spat, nose to nose. Harry could smell the alcohol from a mile away. Matt lifted him off his feet -- Harry was a light boy with an exceptionally long torso and never ending legs. His lack of nutrition on his fathers behalf didn't help this situation ... neither did his acrobat training. "When I talk .. you respond."

Harry nodded helplessly a faint blush coloring the skin of his cheeks, making way down his neck. Matt smiled, almost in a friendly way before letting Harry slump to the ground, he was nothing more than a heap of long limbs on the floor. "That's more like it." His laughed and all Harry wanted to do was cry.

Harry looked up at the group as they left laughing and joking all the while, big green eyes filled with tears, a sadness settling upon his heavy heart.

It was like this everyday, every minute of every hour.

He hauled himself up with the little strength he could muster and walked away down the corridor. Someone at  the end of the hall opened the door and for a minute or two a glowing light illuminated the skin of Harry's body. But then, just like that, the door closed and the light was gone.

Harry suffered like this for three more years until he turned eighteen. When he finally came to his senses and dug deep into the sweet little boy he was, and came forth a man. A strong man who took shit from nobody even if his heart was kind and his soul was sweet.

The day of his departure was one he will never forget ... it was the day he changed and took it upon himself to save himself. Nobody could do it for him, he had to do it.

He remembers very clearly the deep burgundy words with the gold frame decorating the exterior of the sign.  Cirque Du Freak, it read, Enter if you dare.

Harry remembers the auditorium, the long crimson curtains hanging from the ceiling. Harry remembers all of the people excitedly chatting to each other in their seats, the claps when the drapes started to raise, the laughter.

Harry remembers a boy specifically, a beautiful one. With soft golden brown hair, like the sun, or the wheat that grow in the field,  and  sapphire blue eyes. He stood atop elephant's as they rode in circles on the stage, voluptuous body small and dainty with tanned leggings with crystals decorating the soft material and nothing else. He did numerous of tricks on the animal smiling at the audience gently. 

Harry remembers the screams and hollers as the curtain closed for the final time. Harry remembers being completely entranced with the show.

He remembers one thought in particular amongst all of the racing thoughts ... This is where I want to spend my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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