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Hosea hummed "ya he is, an since you was showing signs of rut we sent him into valentine with Molly"
Dutch growled "you couldn't have chose someone more suitable"
Hosea looked at dutch" mollys the only other omega here, we had no choice"
Dutch huffed he didn't like the idea of Molly around Arthur
He hates Molly, after she pushed Arthur that one time and he fell off a bridge and lost his kid he lost all his love for her
"Dutch!!!! We have a lead!" Micah said walking to Dutch "now I know your probably in rut but I have a lead!" Dutch hummed and looked at Micah "ok go on" Micah started explaining about a ferry
Now it seemed big and risky
But Dutch didn't care
"Ok Micah when is it?"

Arthur was on the back of Molly horse bored "how much longer til we're in blackwater?" Arthur asked and Molly hummed "not too much longer" Arthur was worried
He was never sent to another state before just because of Dutch's rut
"Molly why are we in valentine and not blackwater?" Molly hummed "because Arthur your fertile, when omegas turn 18 they become fertile, and dutch could still have smelled you if we were in blackwater" Arthur laughed "only marked mates work like that"
Molly hummed "maybe but Hosea wanted to make sure you didn't get pregnant"
Arthur was about to say something before he was cut off by a familiar voice
"Arthur? Is that you?"

I thought my last name would be van der linde (vandermorgan?) Where stories live. Discover now