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Arthur would say he was about 15
He was 15 and dumb
He met a girl
Her name was Eliza
She was a female alpha
And that was the first person Arthur fell in love with
When Arthur turned 17 he got pregnant
Everyone in camp was happy
When arthur had his son he was happy
He might've been 17 but he was happy
When he met marry Isaac was 3
Eliza left him alone because Colm had got to her
Marry wanted arthur
And she was pissed someone else had him
So in a fit of rage she killed Isaac
Arthur told himself he'd never have another child
Until one day
Dutch introduced his new mate molly O'Shea
From the start molly hated arthur
She always picked on him
Saying how he wasn't omega like
Saying what happened with marry was his fault
When Dutch left molly she got worse with arthur
She would cuss and yell at arthur
When Dutch told camp him and arthur was expecting everyone was happy
Everyone but molly
She would constantly tell arthur it was a mistake
That Dutch was blinded by Arthur's heat and he didn't want arthur
But she crossed the line when she was drunk and pushed arthur down a hill and he was knocked out
Hosea said it would be a miracle if his baby survived
When arthur woke up he was covered in blood
He knew what it meant
He didn't want to believe it
Until Dutch himself told arthur
Arthur went into a deep depression
Everyone was worried about him
Even fucking Micah was worried
And that says something
When arthur got better molly apologized
And if the gang didn't pull Arthur off molly she would've been dead
Arthur never forgave her
How could he?

And now that he's at Colms hideout because of her
He lost all his respect for her
He didn't care that she was a girl
He didn't care she was a omega

I thought my last name would be van der linde (vandermorgan?) Where stories live. Discover now