one, everything is changing

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    FOOTSTEPS PATTERED above the kitchen and loud music bounced off the purple chipped walls

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FOOTSTEPS PATTERED above the kitchen and loud music bounced off the purple chipped walls. Lena Bailey-Warren danced in her bedroom as she picked up clothes from her floor. Her parents yelled her name from downstairs though she couldn't hear them. Everyone else could.

"Lena! Mom and Ben are calling you!" William George Bailey Jones busted into his biological sister's room. The young woman stopped her movements and stared at her brother. "You're gonna be late, stop looking at me."

"Late for wh- oh my God it's my first day! God, Tuck, why didn't you tell me?" She huffed before grabbing her bag and running down the staircase. "Love you, Tuck."

"Stay at your own apartment!" He yelled playfully as she stopped in front of their parents.

"Tuck! That's rude! Lena, you're gonna be late, let's go," Miranda Bailey spoke before opening the house door and leaving to go to the car.

"Right, bye dad, love you," She rushed out before running out to the car as well.

The two Bailey women drove off to the hospital. The younger one being the driver and her mother holding onto the door.

"You're gonna kill me," Her mom sighed as they had quickly sped into the parking lot.

"Good thing we're at the hospital!" She smiled before walking out of the car and towards the building. Though she had thrown the keys to her mom so the car could get locked. "Love you!"

The younger woman quickly made her way into the hospital and walked towards the intern lounge. Though she collided with someone on the way.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry," He spoke grabbing her hands so she didn't fall to the floor. He then stuck his hand out so she could shake it. "I'm Lucas Adams."

"Lena Bailey-Warren," She smiled before they both walked into the lounge.

The man let her go first and then walked in. The two walked to their lockers and pulled their shirts off. Silence overcoming the room.

"I'm Lucas Adams."

"I'm Lena Bailey-Warren."

The two both said making the rest of the interns look at them. She motioned for him to speak.

"Or just Luke, just not Skywalker," He finished, motioning for her to speak, though she shook her head as she took off her pants and replaced them with scrubs. "First day. Who's nervous?"

"Wow, who is a ten but he won't shut up?" An intern spoke from the other side.

"What was that?" Lucas quizzed making the girl from the other side say nothing. The man flickered his eyes to Lena as another intern laughed. "What'd she say? What's so funny?"

"I don't know," She shrugged as she pulled her hair out of her face.

"Nothing," The intern who laughed spoke.

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