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It had been weeks of waiting for king Erod's response of the Divinelands a seemingly more peaceful land far more different from NeverEnds.

It's land basked wide open in the sun with the illumination of justice that filled the land. The high court presided over crimes and activities of evil and dirt in the kingdom. Fair and well deserving punishments were given to criminals after a long, careful and thorough unraveling.

The backbone of the land was a monarch who got power through a hereditary system in the royal line. Society and the royal line had expectations of a crown prince who stood to seat the throne after his sire and father. He had to bring to wife a girl of royal descent or noble birth. She had to be well known to society and relentlessly grasp it's heart with her nobility,beauty and decency as these were the requirements of a man from a betrothed.

King Erod's son Eron had already been betrothed to a high born lass,known for her elegance,beauty and charming build. Lady Anaila the youngest child of the high priest ,his high holiness lord Maelon's three daughters and 2 sons was the divine light of the land. She stood steadily tall with her long chin narrow face with seduction painted on it by her small perfectly proportional nose and just below it was her smooth and glittery lips that shone as red as a thin rose petal would look with the sun rays sneaking through it from the other side.

The two were the most heart soothing thing to see in  the green nature filled gardens of the rich land. How Eron held her hand to remind the spectating crowd that he's the man who was promised to her by destiny left everyone wishing God had bestowed such a blessing upon them. Everytime she expressed the best of the infinitely astonishing gifts she was born with, intelligence,Eron's eyes lit up with unending pride, desire and affection.

The kingdom involved itself in exchange of merchandise with other peaceful lands like the Green isles of Astomonia ,a small island kingdom that lay on the northern seas,Nygolia, the land of the smiths that were known for making the best weapons and luxury goods,the gold rich Bays of the west and many others for other goods. One time King Erod had to send a thousand pieces of robes to Nygolia in exchange for a mirror when he got infected with an ulcer on his back. It is said that the pain it gave him was so much that he wanted to see what exactly it looked like.

It was considered a fathom of respect if a man died having been married to only one woman in his life. The manner of the married was considered sacred and so it had to be enjoyed with only one person in a life time.

The king had a council that descended down to his people which aided his peaceful reign. It comprised of low borns and high Born's,men and women and also people with natural disability. Among these was his party of messengers that comprised of two men or women that carried his messages to the various allying lands. The two messengers,Railo and oben who took king Erod's suggestion of peace and a truce to King Vaelon of NeverEnds had just joined the party since the two lands had never been allies.

King Vaelon had finally got the satisfaction of victory when King Erod sent word two days back after a fortnight of waiting. His daughter would be betrothed to Prince Eron.  The drunk and arrogant king celebrated the news in the most barbaric way ever. For the past two days,men and women continuosly drank themselves to a morning of throwing everything in their guts up; the raw meat and roasted pig heads,the various fruits that supplemented the crazy heavy royal meals. The king organised multiple jousts that took the lives of many. The numerous drank fights that accompanied the drinking left many injured and damaged for life.

On the third day,king Vaelon set journey to The Divinelands. He had the company of 100 of his best warriors, Lady Oralfan,the queen consort in his carriage and a jar of wine which was refilled upon his orders everytime he emptied it.
On their right was the carriage that carried the shockingly beautiful Rhaia. Dressed in a white light dress that exposed part of her curved waist and inclined wide and deep belly button,she sat gracefully with a worn out worried face full of questions of what it'd be like to dedicate her life to a man whose life, people and land she didn't understand even in the most essential sense.Dylos riding alongside his father,lord commander Phylos,Agdonus,prince Tyrnan who was quiet the whole time and Nando were also part of the travelling party.

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