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Eron's courtship to Rhaia had continued for 17 days now. The two had been sighted in countless luxurious places flaunting their affection for each other in public. 

Word ran around Ganaan like a whip of wind on a hot day. The way Prince Eron grabbed her waist when she slipped on the lamb's bridge to stop her from falling or when Rhaia bit an apple in the same exact spot from which Eron bit as reported by  a farmer who had been helping the two lovebirds tour his apples.

What stood out among all of these the most was the incident at the silk shops of The lamb's street. Prince Eron was drunk for most of the time he was with his betrothed. While at the silk shops,he bought a silk dress for her for every time  she smiled. It is said that he left the market having bought at least one dress from almost three quarters of the merchants. This sent waves of chatter and tales of love of the two throughout the land and all anyone could talk  about was their wedding. 

However,a few eyes in the land found this discomforting to go through with like looking directly at the sun. Eron's betrothal to Rhaia meant that King Erod had broken a holy vow. Lady Anaila's betrothal to the prince had to be revoked so as to go through with these arrangements. His high Holiness Lord Maelon received the news like a dagger to the heart.

When king Vaelon's reply reached the palace,King Erod immediately sent an apology letter to the high priest regrettably bringing to his knowledge that the betrothal had been revoked and now Prince Eron was to wed the NeverEnds girl.

Lord Maelon rushed to his king to have a physical word with him. Kind Erod seemed to have finalised the matter and nothing was to change that.
Disappointed,he went back to his lady wife. He said "He has robbed my daughter of her queen ship !! . Lord Maelon had since been fasting . Hoping the lord would grant him vengeance for the shame brought upon his house.

Word had it that lord Maelon's best was got by this unforeseen catastrophe. He was secretly gathering support from a few other lords who did not agree with the king's reckless actions as they called them as well. He planned to oppose the king when God communicates to him the right time.

King Vaelon had ordered for a joust to be put up. He claimed he was bored from all the shiny clothes and quiet whores in The DivineLands. His command was strongly opposed by the majority of the king's divine council. Lord Gayman, the king's most trusted and closest friend beat the table at which the gathering sat. He furiously stood up in opposition of Vaelon's command. He said" Blood will not be shed for amusement in The DivineLands !!" He posed for a moment to sigh from all the short angry breaths he let out while expressing his feelings. He then continued "Here , we value life !"

King Vaelon was looking on scornfully the whole time. When lord Gayman took his seat, Vaelon said "Okay, I shall have the tents put up then." Everyone was shocked by the audacity and disregard he spoke with. But still,the choice lay in King Erod's hands. This was his kingdom. The rest of the room turned to him to hear what he has to say. Kind Erod knew it was going to happen. The whole room kept looking at him waiting for a response but he looked on evasively with a permitting silence and face. King Vaelon clapped his hands and said " I'll need 20 horses and your best spears and armor."

On the morning of the joust,tents where spectators were to sit had been put on two opposite sides. In the middle was a sand field with a very long wood built short wall that ran from one end of the field to the other.

King Vaelon sat in excitement in the tent that stood in the middle as he bit piece by piece from an enormous pig thigh. On his right was king Erod and a few of his loyal divine council men who hardly wanted to be there. It took king Vaelon a whole night of jars of wine to convince his counterpart to indulge in this murderous game. On his left sat his wife lady Aralfan. And in the tent opposite sat Rhaia and Eron.
"Where in the depths of hell is Tyrnan?!" asked king Vaelon as he looked around. "He is supposed to be here knocking some DivineLands arse off their horse"
With the interest of the situation not escalating due to Vaelon's anger outbursts,King Erod said "I'll send Eron to fetch him from his quarters. He must still be asleep from all the wild wine you had him take last night."
Upon hearing this,Vaelon laughed so hard that he started wheezing and suddenly started coughing. The coughing got stronger and so loud that everyone around started looking at him. "Fetch him some water!" Ordered the panicking Erod. "Save your king!" He shouted to his counterpart's unbothered soldiers that stood behind them. Kind Vaelon continued coughing for another minute and finally stopped. By this time , the palm he had used to cover his mouth from coughing had heavy blood stains on it. This scared king Erod so much . He said "I'll bring you to my healer"
King Vaelon who was wiping his palm clean of blood with a cloth this wife tore from the tent and passed him said "Haaa, you need not worry. Being king is not easy. Now bring me some more wine and fetch my son !"

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