Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

I open my eyes, everything being dark and the space I'm in is very small and cramped. My head is pounding and I feel dried blood caked onto the side of my face. My wrists are tied so tight that I can barely feel them. It feels like I have a sack over my head. I try to stretch my legs out but they don't get far before making contact with something. It feels like I'm moving. Am I in a trunk?

The feeling of moving all of a sudden stops. I feel the trunk be lifted but then its suddenly dropped to the ground hard making me groan in pain. How much more are these people going to throw me around? Just who exactly are these people? What do they want with me that was worth killing my family?

I hear the trunk lid being opening and feel two people grab my arms roughly pulling me out of the trunk. I stumble nearly falling to my knees before the pull me up harder forcing me on my feet.

"Stay the fuck up and move." One of them says before they start forcing me to walk forward. The rough ground turns to smooth, like inside. Okay so we're inside somewhere. But what the fucking hell is going on?!

They all of a sudden stop walking, roughly forcing me down on my knees.

"I told you to be gentle when grabbing her. Do you not know the meaning of the word gentle?" A new voice says. Wait, what does it mean by her? And where on earth have I heard that voice before?

"Your majesty-"

"Take the fucking bag off. I want to see the face of my soon to be new queen." The bag is roughly pulled off my head. I have to shut my eyes quickly from the bright lights. I slowly open them again. To my horror I see we're in a throne room of an unfamiliar castle. And to make matters worse, I see Bill sitting on the throne. He glares once he sees me. "What the fuck is the meaning of this?! I told you to bring me the girl, not him!"

"The girl wasn't there. After killing the old men he was the only one left."

"How the fuck could she not be there?!" He groans running a hand over his face.

"What would you like us to do with this one, your majesty?"

"You fucking idiots......put him in my room and leave him untied."

"Are you sure?"

"Just fucking do it!"

They grab my arms roughly pulling me up to my feet again. They roughly lead me through the various halls before they open one room. One of the men take out a huge knife and cuts the rope of my wrists before shoving me in the room. I fall on the floor hearing the door close and lock behind me. I stand up looking around the room. It's fancier than my room. Everything is either gold or black.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. I quickly grab a heavy candle holder and hide by the door. When it opens I swing the candle holder. He simply catches it punches me in the face knocking me to the ground. I groan as I sit up putting a hand to my face feeling my mouth bleeding. I think one of his fancy rings cut my lip. Bill scoffs as he looks down at me before he shuts the door again and puts the candle holder back.

"Really? What was your plan exactly? Knock me out and waltz out of a castle filled of guards?" I don't answer him. I don't really have a good response to that. He sighs before grabbing my arm roughly pulling me up to my feet. He pulls me over to the desk that has two chairs. He forces me to sit in one of the chairs and he sits in the other. He takes out a handkerchief and hands it to me. I reluctantly take it and hold it against my bleeding lip. "So, where exactly did you send that sister of yours?"

"Why would I tell you? You arranged for her to be kidnapped and the rest of us killed."

"No I didn't. Mabel was to be brought here to be my queen and your great uncles were to be disposed of."


"Same difference. Either way you weren't supposed to be touched. You were to be left alive."


"Because when Mable was to be my queen, your kingdom would need a new ruler. I had nothing against you, just your great uncles. They were old fools who's time was up. But your a smart young boy. With Mable as my queen we could have made a new treaty among our kingdoms."

"She'll never be your queen."

"You keep talking like that and your asking for another hit to the mouth. How did you know we would be coming for her?"

"We didn't. But it was in case things went worse for us."

"Well you aren't going to tell me where she is obviously. But it wouldn't do you any good to just go back to a kingdom and live in a palace where your family was murdered."

"What are you talking about?"

"How about a new arrangement? Your parents did promise my father something in return for his help after all."

"You already made that very clear."

"I know before I had asked for your sister's hand. But now I think it would benefit us both if we married instead."

"Are you actually serious? You killed my family. And that is the worst marriage proposal."

"Okay, lets consider your options then, shall we? Either way you are trapped here. So you can either be trapped as my prisoner and be locked in my dungeon until you unevitably die, or you can marry me. You can become my queen and we can rule side by side. Not only will I be getting what is owed to me but it's a great way to unite our two kingdoms after all."

" I have your word that you will leave my sister alone if I do this?"

"Yes, you have my word."

"Fine. But you really need to work on your marriage proposals."

"Great. Come with me and I will show you your new room."

Grabbing my arm he pulls me out of my seat and leads me out of the room.

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