Chapter 5

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(Dipper pov)

I look down at the outfit  Bill had someone lay out on my bed. He said he had it specifically made just for me. I still don't really understand how he got my measurements for them to even make the outfit. Or how it is surprisingly something that I actually like. It's a suit with a black shirt and black trousers, everything else is a dark royal blue color.

The stupid ball has probably already started by now. I always hated having to attend balls, or any event that involves me being stuck in a room with a lot of people. But I don't really have a choice about it now. Might as well just get this night over with.

I get the suit on and sit on the bed pulling on the shoes when my bedroom door opens. Bill stands in the doorway, leaning on the doorframe dressed in a bright yellow tuxedo. He carries a cane in one hand and to top off the whole outfit is a black top hat.

"You nearly done getting ready, Pine tree?"

"Don't call me that. And do you ever knock?"

"Considering that this is my castle, and you are staying here as a guest, no."

"We both know I'm not here voluntarily."

"Hey, I gave you two choices to pick from."

"Either rot in a dungeon or marrying you isn't really that much of a choice."

"Are you ready yet or not?"

"Yeah, I guess...." I stand up as Bill walks over to me.

"Give me your hand."

"What? Why?"

"Must you ask questions about everything I say or do?" He grabs my left hand sliding a ring on my ring finger. Once he lets go of my hand I look at the ring. It's an engagement ring with a simple silver band and a blue gem. The gem isn't big like some I've seen but it's far prettier than most gems I've seen on rings.

"Where did you get this?"

"Just something I've been holding on to. I figured if we're going to be getting married, you might as well have a ring to show off tonight. Now, shall we get going? Don't want to leave all my guests waiting after all."

He offers his arm to me and I reluctantly take it. He leads me out of the room and downstairs. Two servants of his open the doors to the ballroom and he leads me inside, the ball already in full swing.

"About time you got here, Bill." A woman with bright pink hair and a fancy pink dress comes over to us.

"Pyronica, always a pleasure to see you."

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me to your fiance here?"

"This is Dipper Pines."

"From Gravity Falls? Nicely done getting one of the twins to marry you." She turns to me. "I am sorry for what happened to your great uncles and about your castle burning down. It's such a tragedy."

"Thank you....." I manage to say. I can feel Bill's eyes on me making sure I don't say the wrong thing. "H-How do you and Bill know each other?"

"Our kingdoms have been trading partners for decades, our fathers had originally been trying to have us arranged to be married. But he's just not my type if you know what I mean."

"Py." A woman long dark brown hair comes over, holding two drinks in hand. She hands one to Pyronica.

"Thanks Jasmine. This is Bill and his fiance Dipper. Guys, this is my wife Jasmine."

"Wife? Oh.....that's what you meant by...."

"Yeah. Jasmine was actually my handmaiden before we got married. Just another thing about me that enjoyably pissed off dear old dad."

"You enjoy making your dad angry?"

"When he is being an asshole, which is all the time, then yes. Bill knows all about asshole dads."

"Pyronica." I can hear a slightly angry tone in Bill's voice.

"Anyway, we should get back to the party. You both enjoy yourselves."

She takes Jasmine's hand as they walk away and a strange silence falls over us.

"....well, she was interesting...." I try to break the silence.

"Don't fucking start." One of his staff comes over whispering something in his ear. "Unfucking  believeable.....Pinetree, stay here. I have to go deal with something real quick."

"Oh....o-okay...." He leaves me, following the servant out of the room.

As the band starts playing and people partner up and start dancing. Not really knowing what to do I just stand in the back of the room leaning back against the wall. I fidget looking down at my hands and picking at my nails as I wait for Bill to come back. I could probably try leaving, maybe even try walking out the front door. But he has a lot of staff and servants in the castle, I would probably get caught if I tried escaping now. And if I just went back to my room he would probably be mad at me for not staying like he told me to.

"Would you care for a dance?" I look up seeing a guy standing in front of me offering his hand to me.

"Oh, n-no thanks....."

"Why the fuck not? You think you're too good for a party or something?"

"No, I just.....I just don't want to right now is all."

He grabs my wrist hard pulling me closer to him and I can smell the alcohol in his breath. "You really think Bill can hog someone like you all to himself?"

"G-Get off of me!" I try to pull away from him but he just holds on to my wrist tighter.

He raises his hand but before he can bring it down Bill comes out of nowhere and grabs the man's wrist. The man instantly lets go of me before Bill shoves him back.

"Get the fuck out of my home, right fucking now."

"Your majesty, I was just-"

"Did I fucking stutter?"

The man leaves without further argument. I hold my bruised wrist as Bill turns to me.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I-I'm okay...."

"Go back upstairs. I'll come to check on you in a bit."

"But I thought I was supposed to be with you down here."

"After what just happened, you don't need to be. Please just go back to your room for now."

"Okay." I walk out of the ball room heading back upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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