Thirty Five:

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3 years Later

“You don’t have a budget Grace.” Harry told me kissing my forehead before I walked out the door of the house. Juliette, Charlie and my mom all waited in the car.

“Thanks Harry. But I don’t plan on spending a lot. Im too simplistic for something with a lot of bling.” I smiled.

“Make sure you look hot. Just for me.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

“I’m going to wear a turtle neck.” Harry laughed and kissed me before I walked to the car.


“I don’t know who is more excited, Charlie or you.” I laughed linking arms with Juliette as we walked into the salon. “Hi. I have an appointment at 12:05.” I said to the front desk lady. 

“Name?” She asked.

“Grace Prim.”

“You can have a seat. Your consul tent will be right with you.” 

“THank you.” I said having a seat with my family. A few moments later an women came and greeted us with full smiles. Charlie slapped my arm in excitement.

“Hello. My name is Lisa and I’ll be consulting you today. Who is the bride?” She said and my stomach flipped a couple of times. It was a weird thing to hear. Me a Bride. Never thought it would happen. But after being with Harry for 3 long years he finally asked. It was actually Zayn who talked him into proposing. 


Flashback 3 months ago, Harry’s Point of View:

I sat with Zayn’s son in my lap as Zayn heated up chicken fingers for him. 

“I can’t wait to have children.” I said playing with him. He laughed at the faces that I made.

“It’s the best feeling in the world when you know you made something so special.” Zayn said bringing over the plate. 

“I bet.”

“Why don’t you try for a baby?” He asked.

“I couldn’t do that. Grace is so busy with expanding the bakery and plus we aren’t even married. I promised my mom I wouldn’t get anyone pregnant without putting a ring on her finger.” Zayn laughed at my comment.

“You’re so dumb Harry. Put a ring on Grace’s finger.”

“I don’t know Zayn....”

“Don’t know what? You love Grace, you have been with her for 3 years. It’s about time!”

“I can’t just ask. I’m not ready and I don’t think she is.” 

“Are you serious? You’re not ready? You have talked about marrying her since you met her. She is perfect for you and you have never been this happy before.”

“But Grace isn’t ready.” I made of excuses.

“I know Grace like I know you. She is like a sister to all the boys. She is ready for it. Plus she is a girl and they always dream of the day they can walk down the aisle with their prince charming.”


“No buts Harry. What is the real reason you haven’t asked Grace?”

“I don’t know.”

“Yes you do.”

“I think i’m afraid of commitment. Or i feel like i’m not good enough for her. What if I hurt her?”

“Harry I have witnessed the past three years and you have never loved one girl more than Grace. The way  you look at her and never let her go. The way she can’t leave your sight without kissing you. The little things are the most important in the relationship. Harry I promise you marriage is the right thing to do now. You two are inseparable. Marriage is just a way to make it permeant.”

“Zayn can I tell you something?”

“Anything mate.”

“I actually bought a ring, a while ago.” I said rubbing my hand on my pant leg.

“How long ago?”

“Back when we first starting dating. Right before we went on our first vacation.”


“I knew she was the one. When you meet the right person, I guess you can just tell. I knew. I thought about proposing on the trip but it was too soon. With the new career opportunities and everything going on I put it off. Things kept coming up, Graces father getting sick, Gemma’s new baby, Liam having children. Everything just delayed the proposal. I eventually put it off all together and just kept the ring in my room.”

“How did Grace not find it?”

“We don’t share bedrooms and she doesn’t go in my drawers or anything.”

“But doesn’t she do your wash?”

“Yes, but she doesn’t put my clothes away.”

“Do you think it’s finally time for you to pop the question?”

“Maybe, but i’m still afraid.”

“You’re going to be afraid until the moment she says yes. Harry we performed in front of the queen, at MSG, the olympics and multiple arenas. I have never been more nervous than when I proposed to my wife. I was so nervous I didn’t even get to say ‘Will You Marry me?’ I stuttered like an idiot and she said yes because she figured it out. 

“You think I can do this.”

“Men do it everyday. It’s nothing you can’t handle Harry.”

“Thank You Zayn.”

“Go get her Harry.”


Grace’s Point of View:

I sat with the consultant in a the private changing room, my family grabbing dresses, which they weren’t supposed to do.

“Now tell me about your fiance.”  She asked.

“Well. I met him around 3 years ago at a fashion show and he swept me off my feet. I’m Marrying Harry Styles.” i said trying to ignore her facial expression.

“THE Harry Styles.” 


“I’m so Happy for you! You’re the girl that tamed the curls.” He said and I started laughing. “I apologize. I was a big big fan of One Direction when I was a girl. I envy you.” She smiled.

“Thank you?” I said.

“Now budget. Is there one?”

“Not really but I don’t want to spend over 10 because it’s not necessary.”

“Ok. What are you looking for?”

“Honestly I have no idea. I never tried on dressed before. I know I have simplistic taste and I don’t want a lot of bling. My brother said that i have to wear something fitted to show off my body.”

“Okay I will be right back. I assume your family pulled some options I will bring some of those in along with  some I have in mind.”

“Thank you.” I said sitting patiently, waiting for dresses to be thrown in my direction.

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now