Chapter 15

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In room where Lily is

Steve said, "Lily?" Lily slowly raised her head and got wide eyed as she saw Steve, "you're alive?" He nodded his head as he walked up to her. Lily continued, "I've missed you." Steve placed his hand on Lily's face then kissed her, "I've missed you." Steve looked back at the shield agents then Lily said, "you have to go with them, don't you?" Steve nodded his head, "yes I do. I broke the rules. Now it's time to own up and do my time." A tear fell from lilies eye as she saw tony and other agents walk in, "what about ultron? Steve. We need you to help stop him."

Steve was shocked, "What's the last thing you remember?" Lily looked at tony, "dying," Lily looked at tony, "because of the thing you built. I might not be complete puzzle, but I do remember that thing shoving a rod through me and laughing as he through me off the edge of the floating city." Lily was about to continue when May walked in, "sorry to interruption Coulson, but I thought you'd want to see this we caught word about 20 minutes ago of his decision to call a press conference," she looked at the tablet, "here. He's walking to the podium," may handed Coulson the tablet.

James Walker's Press Conference

A reporter hollered out, "can I ask why you brought us here?" James nodded his head, "yes," James scanned the crowd then started, "I brought you here for one reason. Since the United Nations won't deal with me I thought I'd come here and ask you fine people to broadcast to the world. I came here to demand for the arrest of Anthony Edward Stark." Another reporter called out, "are you nuts." James looked down and smiled, "perhaps, but there are more pressing issues at hand. A long time ago a scientist, a genius if you will, and his family were on there way home from a family vacation when a drunk driver hit the passenger side of the car killing the scientist wife and eventually the daughter. This scientists genius allowed him to build a body, and save his daughter. This mans genius brought beauty into the world and allowed for this new daughter to save it from the very man who created her. The scientist was given power and no one bothered to stop him. The United Nations, the leaders of the world, they all knew and they all neglected to stop him. I won't let that happen again. Tony stark built that robot that destroyed Sokovia, as a result innocent men, women, children and the heroes who protect this world every day were killed. One of those heroes was my sister Nitrous, she's in a hospital right now because she decided to do the right thing and save a man who was fighting for what he believed in. A genius, who is given enough power with no supervision is a dangerous thing. It could lead to an extinction level event. Hell, it already has twice. If it weren't for the avengers, and efforts from civilians then the people of Sokovia would surely be destroyed."

Shield Tri-carrier medical room
Lily's POV

"Time for me to say good bye, Steve, you want to come. We can provide a sanctuary for you. I won't let them hurt you," I looked at tony, "you on the other hand. You're the reason we're in this mess." Lily looked to Daisy, "sorry for the trouble," I then looked at Coulson, "you're a good man Phill. Wish I got the chance to meet you under better circumstances." he said, "agreed." i looked back to Steve, "call it captain. Run, or become his bunk mate, because if one thing is for sure, it's my brother getting his way," I placed my hand out and he took it as I said, "I'll stand bye you," He smiled, "till the end of the line."
The two disappeared then reappeared next to Adam.

Press conference

A reporter asked, "Doctor Walker, you claim genius will be the downfall to our civilization, but has it not brought advancements to the people." James nodded his head, "that argument could be made, but we forget. 70 years ago another one of the worlds geniuses built a bomb that wiped out thousands of people." The same reporter asked, "and how does your city and its people differ from the rest of the world?" James smiled, "I'm glad you asked. The one thing that differs is the amount of technology. The most advanced thing my city has is a telephone and computer to communicate with the world leaders. Our buildings were built with our bare hands. The materials for our clothes were all grown. The same goes for our food and our light sources." Lily stepped up next to her brother, "my name is Lily Rose Walker. Some of you may know me as Nitrous," camera went wild, "I'm here to stand behind my brother and add that the superhuman registration act should be abolished. I've already died once. My friend, a boy from Sokovia, died saving a child. Heroes, like myself, have given our lives on more than one occasion. Spider-Man has done it more than once. You people treat him like a menace. When will you begin to see that were not here to hurt you." The child Lily saved from before managed to get through the crowd and up to the stage, "smiles?" Lily looked down at the little girl tugging on her shirt then knelt down in front of her to she was in tears, "hello again." the little girl smiled, "you're different than before." Lily nodded her head, "I am. Sweetie, where are you're parents?" The little girl looked out to the crowd, "I don't know." Lily said, "what is you're name?"

"Rose Everest," the little girl took Lily's hand, "smiles can you help me find my mommy and daddy?" Lily nodded her head then looked at Adam, "take my hand. I'll show you what they look like," they did then Adam flew into the air and started to scan the crowd. Lily looked down at the little girl, "rose, stay here with Captain America. He'll keep you safe." Lily flew up and spotted Mrs. Everest frantically looking through the crowd. She was about to land when something happened and she fell to the ground. When Steve saw he picked up rose and hurried over to her.

He set rose down and watched as she ran to her mother. Adam then landed as Steve pulled Lily into his arms, "You've been shot." Lily shook her head, "the gun was aimed for you. He shot you and the damage, the bullet, it all came to me. Steve," Lily placed her bloody hand on Steve's face, "I'm sorry." All cameras fell on the two of them. Adam knelt down by the two, "I can save you." James got to the three, "you can't save someone who was already dying." Adam said, "I don't understand." Lily used her free hand and took Adam's, "there was something wrong with my genetic make up that can't be fixed," Lily started to cough up blood, "I'm dying." Lily turned to Steve, "I love you. I'm sorry I never told you until now." Steve shook his head as tears fell from his eyes, "don't talk like that." the two stared at each other, "I love you to Lily. Always have, always will. Till the end..." Lily's hand slowly started to slip from Steve's face. Here bloody hand leaving a trail as it fell, "off the line," she shed a tear as she said, "bye, cap."

Steve found Lily was unresponsive when he went to say good bye. As he held her tight a reporter turned to the camera and said, "Lily Rose Walker, better know as Nitrous, passed just moments ago," the reporter wiped tears from her eyes, "she risked her life doing what she did best, protecting people. Please, if you're watching this, help me in stopping the superhuman registration act. Heroes like Nitrous risk their lives for us on a regular basis. They fight to keep us safe, so stand with me and let's get rid of this act to protect them for once." The reporter turned to James and said, "would you like to say anything else Dr. Walker?" James nodded his head, "my sister served two tours in the navy. She was never thanked. Captain America served during World War Two. he saved the world from the evil forces of HYDRA. In all the time I've know him. Well I've never seen him thanked. All you people want is an autograph. This amazing man should be given an award for his service, not thrown in jail for it," James stopped when the paramedics came walking through the crowd with the gurney. All focused on Steve as he placed Lily on the gurney then followed the paramedics with Adam and James following behind. The reporter wiped another tear away from her eye then turned back to the camera, "this is Miranda Brooks Reporting for the last time. Good bye Manhattan." The camera went dark.

The End

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