Jail it is!

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Off to jail. I mean this will definitely be a good reset for me but I did lose a lot. I don't really care that I lost the fame, in fact I am probably more famous now that everyone knows what Velvet and I have been doing to the poor trolls. I don't care if I lost my illegal monkey and yacht. I really only care that I lost my chance of having a normal life. Velvet, my sister will probably never speak to me again and... the boy I was talking to probably hates me. The way he looked at me when I confessed to Velves and my crimes was heartbreaking. He looked so betrayed, and I don't blame him. I revealed I have been taking part in awful things. Heck I make the same face when I think about what I did to those trolls.

Whenever I get released it will be terrifying. I'm sure I'll be reconsidering anywhere I go which will probably lead to me being attacked and it will be hard for me to get a job. If Velvet would have just practiced, her dreams could have come true and I didn't have to get dragged into this. That's what I did, practice, and I didn't need to rely on the trolls as much, but Velvet would kill me if she knew I could actually sing better than her.

I turn to look at her and say "Velves...I'm sorry." She looks at me with a mad, disgusted face then looks back out the window until we arrive at the police station. She gives me a pissed look as we are escorted in the station. It's actually really nerve racking. There are so many cameras on us, which is normal but everyone knows the truth now. Crimp and the trolls show up a little later. I noticed Floyd was not here. I kinda make a concerned face and blurt "Where's Floyd?! Did he end up dying? Is he ok?"

My breathing is heavy now and I look at Velvet who gives me the "what is your problem" face, then look back at the trolls. The trolls kinda look at me weird and the pink one walks towards me and says "Don't worry he's fine he'll be here in a second he stayed back to talk to this interviewer guy." My breathing calms but I am still worried until I see Ritz walk in the station holding Floyd. Now this was shocking. But then I go into panic mode again. Floyd probably told him all the awful stuff I have done, Now for sure he will never ever like me back, or even be my friend. I look down at the thought. I feel tears start to form in my eyes, until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I look up so see Floyd and Ritz. But why don't they look mad? I did awful things. I kinda stare blankly giving them a happy but confused face. They kinda just stare with a smile for a sec, then they hug me. Ritz whispers to me "We're here for you." "And I'm happy for you Veneer." Floyd follows. I smile and try to hug them back, but I can't really do that with handcuffs. Which made the 3 of us laugh. They wave bye, then walk back to the rest of the trolls.

Finally  the cops set a trial date

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Finally  the cops set a trial date. The trial will be held in 3 days. But for now the trolls and Ritz get to go home. I thought Crimp would go home too but she's actually staying with Velvet and I since she's not necessarily innocent. We are temporarily being held in 3 little cells in the police station till the trial. The cells have concrete walls dividing them but bars around the rest of the cells so we could still hear and talk to each other, but not see each other. There is a... bed? I think. It's a block of concrete with a thin white sheet. And a.. ew I am going to barf.. a toilet. Grossss.

I just sit and think for the first hour and wonder about him. And Floyd, but mainly him. I was like 100% sure he hated me after seeing his face after I confessed. But now I'm not sure. I lay in the "bed" staring off. I shut my eyes and yell whisper "good night velvet."
...Silents. I mean I can hear she is not asleep but no acknowledgement to me. Wow. It just hurts.

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