New Start

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I am so nervous I woke up extra early. Not on purpose it just kinda happened. I just lay back down and stair at the wall dreading what's to come with my release.

4 hours go by and all the other inmates get up to start the day but not me. 2 guards escort me to this room with everyone's personal belongings. I collect my things then get escorted to the exit where I see him.

My melancholy face instantly changed as I lit up with joy. The guards let go of me and I instantly ran and gave Ritz the biggest hug I have probably ever given. He was definitely not expecting that, you could tell by the face he made. But I didn't let go... until he wailed "Vennyyyy stoppppp I can't breathhhh."

Whoops, my bad

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Whoops, my bad. "Sorry I just have not seen you in so long."
"I saw you 2 days ago, relax."
"Yeah but that was through glass!"
Ritz gave me the biggest eye roll then handed me a hoodie and sunglasses. I look at him confused,
"It's to hide from the paparazzi. I mean they will know it's you but it's probably better if you keep a low profile."

Ah, Ritz is so smart. I put on the hoodie and sunglasses as he puts his on. "Wait Ritzy, who's hoodie is this?"
"It's mine, sorry if it's a little small."
"Oh no that's not an issue, I like it. Thank you." We kinda both just pause then stare at each other. "So you ready for the world again?"
I look then nod.
And we walk out the door, to crowds of people.

There are so many flashes and all I can hear is questions. I kinda start to panic. My breaths are heavy. I can't think. I am shaky. Then I feel a hand on mine. It was Ritz. He looked at me and pulled my hand to his heart. "Ven, you got this. We got this. A little bit longer till my car."

I smile. I can't help it. I squeeze his hand and we start walking to his car. The crowd had mixed reactions to the whole interaction Ritz and I just had. A lot of them shut up and just stared. Others who went recording already started recording. And the few people asking questions still were only asking about Ritz/this mysterious man.

 And the few people asking questions still were only asking about Ritz/this mysterious man

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Finally after what felt like forever we made it to his car. I hopped in the passenger seat, and he, the driver seat. I am still extremely shaken up. As soon as the car doors closed I rip off the glasses and hood and just start having a breakdown. I can not handle all this.

"Hey, you're free now. We are going to go to my place, liked we talked and slowly ease you back to life." He says while placing his hand on my back and rubbing it to make me feel better and it definitely did. I smile, and much as I can since I am still balling my eyes out.

"Ok. Thank you. We can go... home now."
"AH Venner!!! Look at you! Calling my houses home! This is what I wanted! I want you to feel comfortable in a place!"
Wow he was excited about that. I was unsure what to say and even though I haven't been to his house in 6 months, calling it home just felt right.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at our house. No no that's not right, sure it's home but calling it ours just sounds like we're together and Ritz may be uncomfortable with that. I mean I like our but it really is his.

Thank sparkes no one followed us or knows where Ritz house is, so I finally feel...calmer.
"So since I had a lot of free time since I refused to do some interviews in the last 6 months I made the extra room, your room." Ritz said while leading me to what was the extra room. We are right outside the door now. "Are you ready?" He looked at me. I nod.

Wow. This room was full of my old stuff and things I have talked about wanting. It really was my dream room. "Wow! How long did this take?!"
"Eh, I worked on it twice a month for well, 6 months."
"Rityyyy that's so sweet, you really didn't have too I would have slept on the floor."
I can't help it and hug Ritz, this time not so tight so he hugs back.

I end up cry laughing. I don't really know why I am crying. I'm happy now. I guess I'm just overwhelmed. I let go of him. "Thank you. *sniff* and sorry I'm such a mess." I laugh. Ritz joined my laughter, "It would be unnatural if you weren't a mess."

Stupid Love (ritzneer/kidneer)Where stories live. Discover now