Chapter 1

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(Dipper pov)

I head to table 12, picking up their check they had left. I open it seeing they had left me quite a lot for a tip. I pocket the tip in one of my apron pockets before I pick up the plates scattered on the table.

"Hey! Waiter! Can we get some fucking service over here!" I glance over at table 10, a blonde guy with tan skin is waving me over.

"I'll be with you in just one minute sir." I head to the kitchen setting the dishes in the tray to be washed before heading back out to table 10. The guy is holding a half filled wine glass as he's talking to his friends, waving his arms around. It's a wonder he doesn't spill his wine. "How can I help you, sir?"

He looks over at me. "I want another wine bottle brought out."

"Your party seem like your all still drinking the wine I brought out a few minutes ago."

His eyes look me up and down before he spills his wine all over my white uniform shirt. Fuck this guy. "I don't care what it seems like, servant. I want more wine."

I pick up the wine bottle that was on the table, it still being half way full. Letting my anger get the best of me I slam it a bit harder on the table then I should have. "You still have whine in the bottle. Your not getting another bottle until it's empty."

"You must really not like tips if this is how you treat paying customers."

"And you must not really like eating if this is how you treat the people in charge of your food." I walk back into the kitchen. "Is Marcy here to take over for me? I was supposed to leave 30 minutes ago."

"Yeah, she's punching in real quick." Terry says. I look back in the dining area, seeing the blond guy dump the rest of their wine on the floor. Fuck that guy.

"Well tell her good luck." I walk into the back taking off my apron and hanging it up. I put the tip money in my wallet before clocking out. I pull on my backpack before I walk out the back of the resturant to avoid those guys. This day can't possibly get any worse.

I walk to the hospital, waving at the nurse at the desk. I head into Mabel's room, her wearing the short bob wig. The chemo made her lose her hair so she started wearing scarves or wigs instead. The wigs look nice on her. She brightens up as soon as I enter the room.

"What happened to your shirt?"

"Some jerk at the resturant spilled wine all over it."

"What an asshat."

"Yeah well I probably won't have to see him ever again. How have you been? How was chemo earlier?"

"About as sucky as usual. I'm sorry, I'm really tired today. I was throwing up a lot last night so I'm just not up for a huge long visit like usual."

"That's okay. I'll come back and visit you tomorrow." I kiss her on the forehead before I leave. Looking back I see her already getting comfty and ready to fall back asleep.

"Dipper." I look up as her doctor comes over.

"Dr. Webber."

"I am sorry about this, but your parents insurance only covers part of her hospital bill as you know. We are still needing the rest of the payment to keep a bed here for your sister."

"I know." I open my wallet taking out the few hundred that was in it. "Here. That should cover it for now." I hand him the cash before leaving.

I walk back home, seeing a fancy car I don't recognize in the driveway. I use my key to get in hearing laughter coming from the living room.

Heading into the living room I see my parents talking with a man I don't recognize. My mom has a glass of wine in hand which is no surprise. My dad waves me over. "Chris, this is my son Dipper. Dipper, this is Chris Cipher, an old friend of mine from college."

I shake Mr. Cipher's hand. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"A young man with manners. That is rare these days. I must head out, but Dan I want you to really consider my offer."

"Of course, Chris."

Mr. Cipher stands up and leaves the house. I hear his car drive away before I turn to my dad. "What is going on? You don't just randomly have people come over."


"Why aren't you at work, Dad?"

"Why else do you think?" My mom slurs as she stands up heading into the kitchen.

"Have a seat, Mason." I sit on the arm of the nearby arm chair as I look at him. "I....I lost my job." I sigh slightly.

"Dad, you've only had that job for a few weeks. How could you lose it already?"

"They were talking down to me, you know how much I hate that and....."

"Did you hit anyone this time?"

"No, nothing like that so no assault lawsuits this time."

"Dad, the insurance keeping Mabel in the hospital is only valid if you have a job. Even with the insurance all the money I earn is to make sure she's staying there and getting treatment. I can't keep her there on just my tips. We talked about this, I can't be the only one with a job."

"I know and my friend Chris had a good offer earlier."

"What offer?"

"Well his son Bill is often in tabloids and has a bit of a reputation. Chris wants to retire and make Bill CEO but he can't while Bill is in tabloids. It's a whole PR thing. But you, you have such a great reputation in this town. Everyone loves you. So...."

"So we're selling you off like a slut!" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen.

"What?!" I stand up looking at my dad in disbelief.

"I-It's not like that...." My dad tries to explain.

"What the fuck dad?! You're selling me off!"

"I'm not selling you. Look, the offer is you two are to appear in a relatinship. And as Bill's reputaion improves, Chris will give us a large amount of money every month. More than enough to pay for Mable's treatment and take care of the house expenses."

"What kind of relationship exactly?"

" would start off as you two dating and in a few months two would be married..."


"He has the wedding venue and everything already planned and booked, I had no part of that. These were his terms."

"This is my life! I don't even know if I want to ever get married, much less to someone I don't know!"


"Would he expect us to have a family? Is that part of this ridiculous deal too?"

"Kids weren't ever brought up."

"If you two are such good friends then why doesn't he just give us the money without this stupid arrangement?"

"Because he is a business man. Please, Mason, you know I would never ask anything unfair of you. But this is a desperate situation."

I cross my arms angrily, unable to even look at him. I know that this is for Mable's sake but that doesn't mean I have to like it at all. Because frankly I don't, the whole deal sucks.


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