Chapter 2

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(Dipper pov)

I button up the white dress shirt, making sure that the sleeves are pulled down to cover the tattoo sleeves on both of my arms. One of these days I need to go back to Robbie so he can finish up the one on my right arm. Hearing my phone ringing I pick it up, sighing as I see who's calling. I answer it, and he doesn't even wait for me to say anything.

"Where is my money, Pines?"

"I have it, I'll get it to you tomorrow."

"You were supposed to hand it over tonight."

"I know, but some family stuff came up tonight. I promise I'll get the money over to you by tomorrow."

"You better. Or you won't like it when I'm no longer reasonable." He hangs up. I sigh as I slide the phone back in my pocket.

"Mason, come down here please!" I hear my dad call from downstairs. I freaking hate everything about this.

I head down stairs where my dad and his friend are in the living room. Dad's friend stands up with who I assume is his son, dressed in a yellow button up, black vest and black trousers. Holy crap, this is the guy from the resturant who poured wine all over me yesterday. Are you kidding me?

"Mason, this is my son Bill."

Bill puts on a charming smile as he sticks his hand out to me. "Nice to meet you finally."

I just glance down at his hand before looking back up at him. "We've met before."

"Have we? I don't seem to recall."

"I gues all servers look the same to you. Especially when you pour half a bottle of wine over the front of my shirt."

His smile falters and I see a small panic in his eyes as he looks at his dad. His dad obviously is not happy with this information. "We'll talk about this later, Bill. You two have a reservation to keep."

Bill grabs my wrist pulling me out out of the house. Once the front door is closed behind us he turns to me. "What the fuck was that?!"

"Get your hands off of me!" I pull my hand out of his grip.

"You have no right to go telling my father that!"

"Just like you had no business spilling wine all over me? Or snapping your fingers at me yesterday or instead of waiting for me to help you, you just yelled across the whole resturant for me to help you. You are a rude entitled asshole."

"......Look let's just get this stupid date over with."

"Fine by me."

He gets into the driver's seat of a black fancy car. I get in the passenger seat as he pulls out of the driveway driving down the street. I cross my arms as I look out the window just so I don't have to look at him. This is really the guy that I have to be in a relationship with? I really will end up having to marry him in just a few months?

".......You really couldn't have put something better on?"

"My best shirt had wine spilled all over it."

"Will you just fucking drop it?"

"You are the one who brought it up in the first place."

He pulls up in front of a fancy resturant, reporters with cameras having to be held back by security guards.

"Why are there so many reporters here?"

"My father had someone intentionally leak the fact that our date would be here. It makes for good publicity." He grabs my arm hard making me look at him. "Do not fucking say anything to them. You just smile and shut up."

"Don't touch me." I pull my arm out of his grip. "You're not the only one who needs to do this."

"At least your shit family is getting paid, for you it's just a win-win."

He gets out of the car, putting on his charming smile for the reporters as their cameras flash. He comes around to my side opening my door and holding his hand out to me. I take his hand as he helps me out of the car, putting on a fake smile for the reporters. He tosses his keys to the valet before putting his arm around my shoulders and leading me inside the resturant.

The hostess leads us to a VIP section of the resturant that is completely empty. Bill pulls my chair out for me but once I'm seated he pushes it too far in before taking his own seat. I have to push my chair back slightly as the hostess gives us the menus and leaves. Through the window I see the reporters still taking pictures of us.

"......what exactly is supposed to happen?" I asks making me look up from the menu.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean in a few months we're supposed to get married. So what are the exact arrangements for that?"

"Well my father will leak false information saying that we're having a honeymoon in Italy but we're not, I honestly find a honeymoon where neither of us wants to be there is stupid. But you'll move into my place with me and we'll keep up the image of being happily together."

"And that's just my life now? We're just going to be stuck married to each other forever?"

"Once my dad retires and makes me CEO of the company then we can file for divorce. My dad has connections so it should be kept from the media at least for a while."

"What about the money? Would I still be getting it once we're divorced?"

"No, that money is only for while we're in the relationship. Why the hell would you get it once we're separated?"

".....then I'm not agreeing to a divroce once we're married."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yes. My family needs that money. So if being with you forevever is what I have to do to get it, then that is what I'll do."

"Of fucking course......fucking drama queen." Bill mutters under his breathe quietly. I look down at my hands clenched in my lap. I really really want to just hit him and knock some sense into him, but I can't. This is for Mable.

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