Chapter 3

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(Dipper pov)

The rest of dinner neither of  us says much of anything. He keeps checking his phone every few minutes. I set my fork down before pushing my chair out and standing up. He finally glances up at me. "Where are you going?"

"To find a bathroom." I walk away from him and manager to find a server. "Excuse me, where is your restroom."

"Just down that hall on the left sir."

"Thank you."

I head down the hall towards the bathroom, locking the bathroom door behind me. I take my phone out seeing some missed calls. I ignore most of the missed calls until I see Mabel called me. I call her back.

"About time you picked up the phone, Dipper."

"Mabel are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I mean I am still feeling like crap and tired and everything else that is wrong but it's nothing new."

"Not to sound like a jerk, but why did you call me?"

"I wanted to know how the date was going. Are you home already?"

"No, I'm in the bathroom. I just needed like two minutes away from him."

"Why? Is he that bad?"

"He is such a selfish pompous jerk. It is no wonder there are so many tabloid stories about him with how his behavior is. He puts on this act in front of the cameras but in reality he suchs so freaking much."

"Is it too late to tell Mom and Dad that you don't want to be with this guy?"

"Neither of them would probably listen to me, and things are already in motion for us to be getting married in a few months, which is another thing about this I hate. Besides, the money can help pay for your treatment. Maybe we can even start affording to splurge a little bit and get you something nice."

"You don't need to do any of this for me, Dipstick."

"Yes I do. Tell me what is something that you really really want, and don't tell me something I can find at Dollar Tree."

"Well there are these wigs made of real human hair that look a lot better than the ones I have, but they are really pricey because of how nice they look."

"Send me the link for the wigs and I'll see what I can do. But I should probably go and get this stupid date over with."

"Hey, Dipper, I love you."

"I love you too Mabes." I hang up the phone putting it back in my pocket.

I unlock the door walking out. I start heading back to my table but some guy who was standing up out of his seat bumps into me, his wine spilling on my shirt. Why do I keep getting wine dumped on me this week?

He looks at me angrily. "Watch where you are fucking going kid."

"You bumped into me with a full glass of wine in hand but whatever...." I try to walk away but he grabs my arm hard.

"You got something to say smartass?"

"Get your freaking hands off of me."

"How was security stupid enough to let some stupid child in here?"

"Get the fuck off of him." Bill pulls the man's hand off my arm and shoves him back against his table.

"Mr. Cipher, I just-

"Shut the hell up before I tell the staff to have you banned from here. You have no right to speak like that or to grab my date over something that was your fault. Come on, Dipper, we're leaving." He puts an arm around my shoulders leading me away from there, on the way out throwing a handful of cash on our table.

Once we're back at the car with cameras flashing in our faces he opens the door for me. Once I'm in the car he gets in the driver's seat and pulls away from the restaurant. I rub the spot on my arm where that man had grabbed me, it feeling sore from how hard he grabbed me.

"......thanks for that back there."

"While you might think I'm an ass, even I know grabbing someone like that is a supreme asshole move."

"You could have just said you're welcome or something you know....."

"I know."

"Did you know that guy back there?"

"Not at all." I go back to looking out the car window. "You should probably pick up some more dress shirts considering the wine stain."

"Like I can afford to go clothes shopping......"

"I'm picking you up tomorrow to go to the tailor, we can pick you up some dress shirts while we're doing that."

"Why am I having to go to the tailor?"

"So you can pick out your suit for the wedding and so they can get your measurments and everything for it."

"Do you do that everytime you get yourself a fancy suit?"

"I know that you're just trying to be funny about it, but yes I do."

"Must be nice being able to afford doing stupid crap like that."

"I'm sorry, do you have a problem with the fact that I have money and you don't?"

"No. My problem is when people act entitled and think they are better than everyone else. Rich people like your family end up being the ones who think they are above it all or think your shit don't stink like everyone else's."

"......what do you plan to do about your job once we're married?"

"What do you mean? I was planning on keeping my job."

"Why on earth would you want to keep a job as a server when you're going to be getting paid to be with me?"

"Because I don't want to be with you. And I don't exactly know what you're plan is once we're married and living together, but I'm not going to be just sitting around all day. It gives me something to do and I get to earn money that is actually mine, not just your dad's money from this stupid arrangement."

He parks outside my house. I get out of the car shutting the car door before heading back inside the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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