Breakfast and Sweets!

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shrouds pov:

*THUD* I had quickly flew up from my bed and looked down to see dogchamp snoring whilst on the floor "Mrgh.." Yawning i did a lazy stretch and got up from my bed to wake dogchamp, my eyes still opening and closing. Dogchamp whined then got up he looked at me and sighed then laid back down, I scoffed a bit and shook them until they woke back up with a groan and looked at me with fury as i shrugged and got up, Dogchamp following behind me as we made our way to the bathroom, my eyes and legs groggily wobbling every step i take. Once we make it to the bathroom i grab a stool for me because dogchamps taller then me, then i open a cabinet and grab my toothbrush and a new toothbrush and hand to dogchamp and which he'ssssss... asleep.

I groan and shake him awake again and which i hear him whine again, i shake my head and turn on the water and put my hands in there, then i poured it on dogchamps ears and hair and which he yelps and looks at me. His eyebrows furrowed and groggily yawning as i grabbed the toothpaste and put some on mine then handed it to dogchamp and he put some on his and we started to brush our teeth. Once we finish i hopped off the stool and looked at dogchamp who weirdly was standing still and sniffing "hm?" i said knowing he couldn't hear me, he had started to head out the bathroom and i followed him and we ended up in the kitchen where purpled was making some eggs, toast, and some creeper shaped waffles! dogchamp had went up to purpled but i went up to my dad who was drinking a can a coke "Hey buddy!" my dad had said when he spotted me.

I walked up to a seat near him "Goodmornin'.." he chuckled and took another sip of his cola, dogchamp had made there way to the table as he sat down near me and laid his head on the table "sleepy mobs aren't you 2?" dogchamp just laid his head there but instantly perked up once food was being placed infront of him 'DOGCHAMP! wait, last time. well multiple times, so first! urrr... eat?' dogchamp shrugged and started DEVOURING everything on his plate 'slow down!!!' i signed to him. But he was to busy gulping down his breakfast he didn't see me say that to him, sigh.. I started to eat my food as everyone one was signing and talking to each other i asked "Can we take a walk today?" Tommy paused then looked at me before nodding, then looked at purpled who purpled looked at dogchamp and dogchamp eagerly nodded and purpled sighed and nodded, I jumped up and down then went to change.

_______after changing______

i went downstairs to see everyone by the door and dogchamps tail wagging happily as he ran over to me and grabbed my hand. Rushing me towards the door "Ready?" purpled asked and we both nodded tommy opening the door and me and dogchamp running outside "Whoaa!" Dogchamp let out, which surprised me because i thought he couldn't say.. Oh he couldn't hear anything. Purpled chuckles and tommy smiles as me and dogchamp stop to look at every plant and passive mob that showed up, writing in the notebook to each other, they stopped at niki's bakery "Want something to eat?" shroud wrote in the notebook what tommy said to dogchamp and dogchamp nodded "I'll pay" purpled insisted but tommy looked at him with blush on his cheeks "It's fine! i'll pay!" "i insist" Tommy sighed and looked at purpled "Really it's fine, I can pay" Tommy inisted, purpled's cheeks then went red and he nodded. 

We made our way inside the bakery and a fox like person greeted us while he was sweeping it seemed "Welcom-" once the person opened there eyes they looked at me and dogchamp then at purpled then at my dad "Un-uncle?" they looked really confused but dogchamp didn't notice that and went up to the fox and asked "cake" i went up to dogchamp and pulled him back a little "Sworry abot that" i apologized and just looked at my dad before he looked at purpled who went to us and looked back at tommy "Guess i'm paying then?" my dad glared at him and purpled who just stook his tongue out at him before taking us to the counter, i looked back to see the fox and my dad talking "What do you guys want?" i looked back to see a whole CONTAINER full of sweets! my mouth started to drool, dogchamp had to lick his lips every few seconds to stop the drool from falling from his mouth.

"Hello what can i get- Oh hey purpled!" a pink haired fish-lady? had appeared from behind the counter and purpled smiled "hey niki!" then they had started talking which made me and dogchamp bored so we ended up just standing there for a bit before dogchamp had gotten a idea and grabbed the notebook 'wanna go explore?' he wrote, i looked at him worriedly but it seemed like this is what they wanted to do so i reluctantly nodded and he looked around before grabbing my hand and sneakly crouch-walking towards the bottom of a wooden table, shushing me when i didn't even say anything. Then he sudden jumped out from under the table dragging me along with him and running towards the door. 

Once we had made it out dogchamp looked around and led me to a.. Wood farm? 'This is my favorite place to go!' he had written in the notebook, letting go of my hand as he admired the small forest like thing. I giggled at his silliness but he couldn't hear, as he roamed around, trying to climb trees and falling down as i climbed them with ease. Running and playing hide and seek for minutes! until someone had walked in the wood farm, i could hear there footsteps while dogchamp couldn't so i grabbed his hand and hid behind a tree "Whose there?" a monotone but familiar voice had shouted, dogchamp was confused, so i grabbed the notebook and wrote 'we are gonna play hide and seek for a few ok?' he looked enthusiastic and smiled while sitting there, holding my hand. 

I had slowly looked at the side of the tree to get a glance at who the voice belonged too, My eyes widen to see it was "UNCL SWAM???" I shouted, the voice looked to the tree WE were hiding in as i whipped my head back, covering my mouth, i could hear the giant footsteps coming towards us so i started to look at dogchamp to see he was asleep, how could he be asleep at a time like this!- oh wait. i told him we were playing hide and seek so i guess its my fault. The footsteps had been getting closer, panic arose in me as i grabbed my hair and started to close my eyes, tearing up 'why did i agree to this' 'i'm so stupid i'm gonna get dogchamp in trouble' 'this is all my fault, even though he's taller then me he's still younger' 'I hate this' unwanted thoughts had started to fly in my mind, tears flowing down my cheeks like crazy as dogchamp soundly slept "Shroud?" my eyes widen as i softened my grip on my hair and looked up "Iwm so sworry sam. I-i didn't mean it!" i started to ramble and my mind had started to get foggy as tears fell down "It's alright kid, Whose this with you?" He looked at dogchamp sleeping on my shoulder.

"T-this HIcC T-this is dowgchamp" Crying inbetween words "Ok well, were's tommy? i assume he's the one watching you 2-" "DOGCHAMP! SHROUD" i high pitch british voice had shouted from behind sam "Tommy! and.. Purpled" purpled paused and just stood there as tommy came up to us and worriedly with widen eyes stared at me before picking us both up and sam getting up as well "Tommy" "Sam" i looked at them confusingly because they usually got along "Look im-" Tommy had stopped him "Stop the bullshit." then tommy walked away.

Tommys pov:

Purpled was there sitting on the hill waiting for us "Hey purp" Purpled looked back to me and smiled "Hey british fuck" I walked over there but not to fast because i have the children in my arms, once i got to him i smacked him on top of his head "FUCK!"  he started to rub the back of his head, groaning in how much "Pain" i gave him, i laughed before sitting by him as he started to talk paragraphs after SENTENCES about the pain i had given him.

After purpled was done overexaggerating we just sat there in complete silence "So innit" i looked to him "Yeah purp?" purpled paused for a second, it seemed like he was getting..Red? "Uhm, nevermind" i looked at him for a few more seconds then, I just looked down at my legs and paused there. It was hot. Even though it really wasn't though, i think thats just the redness on my face getting to me..



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