The birthday banquet of Shens father is on schedule.

In order to look elegant, Shen Yu can only temporarily abandon the crutches and sit on the wheelchair that Zhang Shu has prepared for him again.

At seven o'clock in the evening, all kinds of luxury cars entered the hotel parking lot in an orderly manner.

Shen Yu sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the eighth floor room. Through the bright glass, you can see the streets and the night scenes of the city, and the bright brilliance is reflected in his cousin.

For a long time, Shen Yu sighed.

His heart still rejects the upcoming entertainment.

Fortunately, this birthday banquet was said to be personally presided over by him. In fact, Zhang Shu and Kang Lin had a lot of power, especially in the later period, almost all of them were busy, Shen Yu had stolen a lot of laziness.

At this time, Zhang Shu and Kang Lin were in the hall to accompany the old man to welcome the guests. Shen Yu was inconvenient to move, and he planned to wait until the birthday party was held halfway, and then quietly went on.

Time passes by one minute.

Shen Yu has nothing to do, just pick up the tablet to play the TV series.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a slight knock on the door.

Shen Yu paused, and the fingertips clicked on the tablet. After the TV series was suspended, he listened carefully for a while.

Sure enough, there is a sound.

But it wasn't Shen Yu's thought of knocking on the door, but the sound of a card that was scraped from the door lock, making people feel a little uncomfortable.

When Shen Yu hesitated for a moment, he put the tablet resting on his leg on the coffee table and got up and walked to the door.

Open the door.

I saw a woman dressed in a beautiful dress outside, she bowed slightly, holding something in her hand, the lock on the drum door.

The long black hair of the seaweed slipped down from her shoulders. She rounded her eyes and looked at the door that suddenly opened. After a while, she realized that she had reacted and looked up to Shen Yu.

"Who are you?" the woman asked, opening her mouth was a rush of alcohol.

Shen Yu's eyebrows, the subconscious back two steps, he did not answer: "Who are you?"

"I am..." The woman stood up straight and spit out three words with a slurred voice, which should be her name.

Shen Yu saw this clearly, the card held in the woman's hand is the room card.

He was relieved and his tone was not consciously relaxed: "This is my room, you have gone wrong."

"Ah?" The woman opened her mouth, and the delicate face of the makeup was full of drunkenness and sorrow. She licked her head and whispered for a long time. "It turned out that I was in the wrong place. No wonder I can't open the door..."

Shen Yu shouted and was about to close the door.

He has always been unwilling to take care of these idle things, and the object is still a drunk woman. If something accident happens accidentally, he may not be able to wash the Yellow River.

But before closing the door, Shen Yu suddenly remembered that it was a hotel owned by Shenjia Company, within his management.

So Shen Yu stopped the action of closing the door. As he talked, he reached for the room card in the woman's hand.

After Being Transported into a Book, I Adopted the Villain
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