𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

63 2 7

Katsuki pushed open the door to his homeroom. 

"Your late Bakugo." His teacher spoke with a disapproving but unsurprised tone.

Katsuki, tired with his teacher bullshit already, muttered a "Fuck off" under his breath. He dropped his notebook on his desk and plopping in his seat in the back. Crossed his arms on the desk and laid his chin on top of his tanned arms. 

He didn't pay attention to whatever shit his teacher was blabbing out of their mouth. Instead his eyes trained on a greenette that was seemingly taking notes in his dark green spiraled notebook.

The greenette on the other side of the class, near the window, his outfit was clearly meant to make the greenette blend in with the rest of the school. A black graphic tee, light acid washed jeans with an evergreen colored hoodie tied around his waist was pretty plain and put on to blend in. Yet the younger still stood out thanks to his green curls. Gilded glasses framed the emeralds the younger had for eyes. The sunlight shone off the aventurine crystal necklace he had on. The greenette tilted his head like a confused puppy with the tip of his tongue sticking out, making the black crosses dangling form his ears move to the side.

Being caught up in staring at the shorter, Katsuki didn't notice that the bell had rung and that  almost everyone had packed up to go to their other classes. 

Well...everyone except him and a certain greenette.

Izuku had felt the stare of someone burning into the back of his head during the majority of class and had only turned around to find the source of the stare only to find that the one staring at him was none other than the oh so great Katsuki Bakugo. He furrowed his brows and clutched his notebooks close to his chest. Before walking up to the blond.

"Hey? Are you ok?" Izuku asked the blond.

Katsuki snapped out of his trance, "Yeah nerd. I'm fine."

"Well... you've been staring at me the entire class and didn't notice that the bell rang so.." Izuku trailed off.

"Don't worry about it nerd." 

Katsuki stood up, gathered his things and walked out the door. Leaving Izuku in the class room.

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ( ̄▽ ̄)

Izuku walked up to the stairs leading to the roof top.

The blond had been staring at him for the majority of History. Izuku was suprised the guy didn't follow him up to the roof.


He opened the door and sat down fairly close to the edge of the roof. Izuku was pretty sure that if the chain mail gave way he'd be falling to his death. He sighed.

Not the time to think about death Izuku 

He'd seen way to much death in this past while then he should have to be considered normal.

Life was shit to say the least, and it kept throwing more shit in his face. However, he will admit that it made him see all of the things he had going for him.

He had his friends even if he didn't see them often, he had his art, he had the crows even though he's pretty sure they only follow him for food, and many other things and people.

He sighed again, shoulders dropping and posture turning relaxed; a broken caw turns his attention(and his head) to his left. 

A smile breaks out in his face, this certain crow had helped him a lot during his depressive ruts.

"Hey, how you doing?" 

Izuku knew that if someone saw him he'd most likely get publicly exciled after all who'd want to hang out with the kid to talked and fed a symbol of death. He already had enough rumors floating around about him.

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a baggie with crushed walnuts and other kinds of nuts, and grabbing a handful of the nuts before spreading them on the concrete.

The crow hops over to the nuts and starts pecking at them.

"You sure your not a chicken in disguise?" 

Izuku giggles. He leans his head against the mesh fence lining the roof top.

"It's sad isn't it," Izuku turned his head toward the crow, "Talking to a freaking crow."

Izuku sighs again, "I probably have to go soon, my next class is going to start soon."

With that he stood up and walked to the stair well.  Izuku turns back to the crow pecking at the nuts he had spread.

"Good bye."

| (• ◡•)|

"Hey dudes, what the dare for this week?" Denki asks.

"The dare isn't decided yet," Kirishima dips a fry in his ketchup, " and I'm pretty sure that it's Bakubro's turn."

Denki smirks.

 Bakugo rolls his eyes, "The fuck you looking at Dunce Face."



"What's the dare dumb fuck." Bakugo grins, after all there's not a dare he can't do."

"I dare you," Denki pauses and looks around. He then spots a certain greenette walking pat the doors of the cafeteria, "To take out the greeny  in my History class."

"Who." Bakugo raises an eyebrow.

"This Guy!" Denki shoves his phone in Bakugo's face.

Bakugo shoves the hand away. On the phone is a picture of a greenette bent over a textbook, a pencil to his cherry-pink lips.

Bakugo snorts, "Not much to look at, how much."




𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟖𝟕𝟗

𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞!

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𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐚👋 


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