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[Cereza and Sable are running towards the limo as they dodged several things being thrown by other Hellhounds.]

Cereza: Well that was the last hellhound place we were welcomed.

Sable: Not that they were many to begin with...

[Suddenly another bottle is thrown at the limo.]


[It cuts to Cereza starts looking over her phone with many posts making fun of them.]

Cereza: (Voice over) Sable we need to something, our credibility is at a new time low, at this rate dad is gonna look at us like we are Hound!

Sable: Speak for yourself. I'm popular enough.

Cereza: (Shows a badly edited photo of him as a purse dog) You are literally treated as a lap dog for royalty Sable.

Sable: Oh...

[A demon royalty is holding a treat for Sable while he just looks offended. It cuts to Charlie advertisement for her hotel.]

Sable: (Voice over) Redeeming sinners?

Cereza: Yes! Charlie is directing a project in order to rehabilitate sinners! This could be our big chance to do something that makes dad proud!

Sable: You know how fucking dumb it sounds to rehabilitate sinners?! Besides we haven't talked to Charlie in years! How do you know she won't kick us off the curb since you know...our father literally makes weapons designed to kill the people she is trying to save?

Cereza: It's gonna be fine.

[The two of them are now in front of the hotel. Cereza knocks on the door, Charlie opens it with Vaggie behind her.]

Charlie: Welcome to the-! (Shocked to see who is in front of her)

Cereza: Hi Charlie!

[Vaggie frowns and immediately slams the door in front of them.]

Sable: Oh well. We tried.

[Sable starts to leave before he is put on a hold by Cereza's magic. Cut to the group sitting by a couch.]

Vaggie: You don't actually think these guys can help us do you?

Charlie: Isn't that the whole point of this place? Second chances Vaggie  though you may have to reduce your lethality Sable.

Sable: Oh. How much less are we talking? 85%?

Charlie: Less.

Sable: 65% lethality?

Charlie: Less.

Sable 35%?

Vaggie: 0% lethality Sable.

Sable: Fuck.

[Sable is seen downing an entire bottle of Scotch with Husk looking at him suspiciously.]

Husk: (Voiceover) Here to destroy another bar of mine?

Sable: (Voiceover) Only happened once Husk.

Husk: Once is enough. I thought your daddy wouldn't let go of your leash.

Sable: Go fuck that pile of aids over there. (Motion towards Angel Dust.)

Angel Dust: (Flirty) Oh please do, I won't mind.

[The group enters a room before its revealed to be Alastor and Sir Pentious.]

Sir Pentious: (Angrily) Oh look who we have here...The ssssecond person behind my vendetta list.

Alastor: Well if it is my old friend!

Charlie: (Happily) I had no idea you knew each other!

[It cuts to Sable killing several of Pentious henchman, blowing up a building and punching Pentious several times.]

Sable: (Awkard) Yeah something like that...

[It cuts to Adam and Charlie talking. The latter looking annoyed]

Adam: Redeem sinners?! That's fucking hilarious!

Sable: (Whispering) Told you so...

[Cereza stomps on Sable feet as they spy on Charlie's reunion with Adam.]

Adam: Besides I still need some kind of compensation after the shit show of the Crimson Knight and those fuckheads of his cult.

Cereza: (Voice over) The Crimson Knight has a cult?

[It cuts to a sign with the name "Crimson Alleys" where several Exterminators heads are spiked on stakes. ]

Angel Dust: Oh yeah, bunch of creepy weirdos but they do give some nice tips.

[Everyone looks at Angel Dust disgusted while he smiles deviously. It cuts to Sable and Vorvar'g talking.]

Vorvar'g: You two are my legacy. My best achievement.

[It cuts several time to Sable hugging a crying Cereza, an exorcist chasing Sable through the city, the Crimson Knight killing some Exorcists and Vorvar'g with Lucifer visiting the Hotel. ]

Vorvar'g: (Voice over) Don't make me regret saying those words.

[It cuts again. The siblings look at each other before shouting in frustration.]

Sable/Cereza: HOUND!


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