Cross my Heart, | Hwang Hyunjin

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"To break was merely human, and they were no gods to defy that nature." 

In which a boy born to become a god meets a new friend who simply won't stop crying. 

◤Disclaimers: Heavy angst. Dark themes. Allusions to cults, torture, and death, but no direct or graphic descriptions. Major character death.

 Major character death

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It hurt.

Once upon a time, he might have befriended the pain, but Hyunjin only writhed in silence now. Pain could be no friend of his if it only caused him agony, and he wasn't so desperate as to allow himself the indignity of surrendering to torture.

Besides, friends were difficult to keep in this place. He would know. The other bed across the room had been occupied by three different kids before it had become cold.

To break was merely human, and they were no gods to defy that nature.

Neither was Hyunjin.

In the haze of his delirium, he discerned the telltale squeak of the doorknob turning. He didn't bother sitting upright and greeting his visitors. It hurt, so all he could do was flop to his other side and watch with heavy lids.

"Hyunjin, you've got a new friend."

Mercy. Where could they have found this one?

He blinked once to look at a figure barely tall enough to reach the teacher's hip. The blue lapels on her plain tunic were like a flame in darkness.

She's a special one.

Squinting, he made out the stitched lettering on her breast pocket.



How unfortunate. She was younger than him.

"Go on, Y/n. And you be nice, Hyunjin."

He pushed himself to sit, his answer slurred, "Yes, teacher."

The teacher smiled. It was as unfeeling as the crisp, white coat dressing his body. Though when he turned, the emblem of a black iris embroidered on his back seemed to sneer with wicked glee.

The door closed, and the girl's eyes bored into him relentlessly. Hyunjin was sure she expected something from him, but he was content to disappoint.

Flopping back on the mattress, he grumbled, "Your side is over there. Sleep or figure out something else to do. I don't care."

"But I can't sleep!" her protest was immediate. "Mama said if I was a good student today, she'll take me to the toy store later."

Hyunjin pulled his blanket over his head, muffling the scoff that slipped from his lips.

Some promise that was.


Hyunjin's new friends always cried after the first day of being in this room, and you were no different.

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