Chapter 3

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*Payton's POV*(in the media slot there's a picture of Ben Foster, Payton's dad. Just so you guys know who I'm talking about and in my opinion he's the best under credited keeper! West Brom is bomb btw pls don't tell me that I'm the only one who thinks that❤️⚽️)

I was just a few paces behind my dad and all of his friends upon arriving at the Beckham's house across the street. Their house was a bit bigger than our own, but anyone who didn't know what the inside of ours looked like, bigger on the inside, wouldn't be able to tell the difference. We all followed David into the house. Victoria was holding Harper, walking towards us down the stairs.

"Nice to see you all again," she smiled warmly. "And who might this gorgeous girl be?" She said looking at me.

"This is Payton, my daughter," my dad said before I could introduce myself.

"Hi, it's very nice to meet you Mrs. Beckham," I smiled, shaking her free hand that wasn't holding a child up.

"Call me Vic, please," she insisted.

"The backyard's right through this door here," David motioned to the back door, across the living room. Through the tall paneled windows I could see a big turf field, a beautifully decorated patio, a barbecue section, a gigantic pool/hot tub area, and a garden filled with every flower imaginable. David led us through the backyard towards the field while Vic decided to make us snacks. Right away I noticed a group of guys around my age playing on the field, including my brother Sean.

"Hey, Brook, mind if we play out here?" David asked one of the boys, who I assumed was his son. "Brook" glanced over me momentarily, then smirked and replied.

"Wouldn't mind at all."

Rolling my eyes, I set down my football bag and took out my signed CR7 Galaxy mercurial ball. I put clear nail polish over the signature so it wouldn't fade, but I still used the ball because it was my favorite. Before we started the game, I wanted to get water for later, because I realized that I didn't bring any.

"Hey, David? Do you have bottled water by any chance?" I asked while juggling the ball with my feet.

"Yeah, it's in the fridge, help yourself," he answered. I jogged back into the house and went into the unoccupied kitchen. Weird considering I last saw Vic and Harper in here. Not thinking much of it, I looked into their freakishly organized fridge and found water bottles stacked on top of each other on a bottom shelf. I grabbed one and started drinking it, because not gonna lie that jog here was pretty tiring.

Note to self: start running again you're getting winded too easily to be a football player.

I started heading outside, turning a corner when someone walked right into me, spilling the opened water bottle I was holding all over me.

"Hey, watch where you're goi--" It was 'Brook', cut off when he noticed who I was. "Uh.. Sorry," he scrambled for words. I was kind of still in shock because ice cold water was just spilled on me.

"No it's my fault, I wasn't paying attention," I laughed, taking my soaked North Face off.

"Um, not to be rude or anything but who are you?" He asked, laughing the awkwardness away.

"I'm Payton, Ben's daughter.." I said smiling.

"I'm Brooklyn.. Beckham." he said clarifying, clearing his throat nervously. Oh that must of been awkward, seeing me, a random stranger in his house.

"Right." I said, still a bit irritated that I was soaked in water from before. "Well I'm going back to play outside.." I pushed my way around him, but he grabbed my waist and kept me from going around.

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