Chapter 48

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*Payton's POV*
We finished up 20... Or 40 questions or whatever within a few minutes.

Within that span of time, I found out that Brooklyn doesn't do relationships, which meant that he's never had a girlfriend, but many, many girls.

He doesn't like girls who don't give themselves up on a silver platter, which is what he meant by "plays hard to get."

He likes all types of movies and food, and prefers Bubble tea over Starbucks, as do I.

I dodged the question about my favorite food, but I think that I've made him suspicious. I took too long to answer, and probably looked nervous, which a normal person doesn't look nervous when they talk about how much they love sushi. He dropped it, but still looked unconvinced.

We were now done with the questions, and it was getting really hot now. If I were to judge, I'd say that it was about 90 degrees (F) out today.

Brooklyn got up and held out his hand.

"C'mon, I wanna show you somewhere," he said. I took his hand and got up myself, as he led me into the woodsy area.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, weirded out that we were clearly walking into nowhere. I heard a faint sound of water rushing, but realized that it was just the waves on the beach.

"Patience, Princess," he rolled his eyes. After a minute or two of walking, we arrive at a small gently falling waterfall, that flows into a small pond/lake of its own, that attached to the ocean eventually. I just stood there in awe of what my eyes were seeing. It was so beautiful, but I felt like I've seen it all before.

Brooklyn got into the shallow end of the pond, being about waist deep, submerged in water. He held out his hands and I stared at him like he was crazy. What was even in that water! There could be a dead body or something, who knows, I can't see through the water..

"Don't you trust me?" He asked. I hesitated. Did I really trust a stranger I met yesterday?

But something inside me, told me to trust him, so I sighed and gave in, still the smallest bit hesitant. His hands gripped my waist as he picked me up set me into the water from the ground level, which was a few feet up, not counting the water depth. The water was the perfect temperature for a hot day. It wasn't too cold that it gave me chills, but it wasn't too warm that it was uncomfortable considering that it was so hot out.

He started walking towards the waterfall, silently cueing me to walk along side him.

But I didn't budge, because I've always had somewhat a fear of water I can't see through. And the slimy rocks underneath my feet didn't help one bit.

Brooklyn noticed me not following him, and came back the few feet he'd already taken. He came close, so close, that I could feel his hot breath against my ear.

"You should really learn to trust me, kitten. I won't let anything hurt you," he whispered into my ear and I felt my stomach flutter. The feeling of his warmth radiating onto me soon left as he backed up and held out his hand for me to take. I looked into his eyes, then his hand, and interlocked my hand in his(pic in media slot).

He led me up the side of the waterfall, and we climbed up about 10 feet above water level. I followed him onto a ledge, where the waterfall surrounded us, and the view was amazing. I took a seat, swinging my legs over the edge.

"I come up here to think a lot, no one bothers me up here.." He finally broke the silence, taking one last glance before sitting down next to me.

"It's amazing, I mean it's one of the prettiest things I've seen, takes your breath away doesn't it," I stare out into the distance at the ocean waves crashing onto the sand.

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