Prologue: I Should've Stayed In Bed

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The Rebel

It's 1A.M. and I tiptoe downstairs, being careful as to not make any noise.

"You outside?" I text my best friend Vanessa Anne as I slip on my high heels and exit my parents' two-story house.

"Yup, I see ya." She replies and I spin around in my garden to spot her leaning against Ian's car. I smile as I take her in. Vanessa is wearing a black dress which has a high slit in the side that ends at her left thigh, she's wearing high black strap sandal heels and has let lose her long curly bronze hair. She is the definition of 'Badass' and I couldn't be happier. The guys jump out of our ride for tonight with Ian going to Vee's side and Cameron cutting the distance short between us in 2 long strides as he cups my face and captures my mouth in an electrifying kiss.

Ian Conrad has a messed-up history, to be fair. He was born and raised in Texas with his elder brother and his father. Though, his brother, Enzo Conrad, left for college soon after due to their father's bad addiction. Ian would get beaten up for shit he didn't mean to happen, like how the car would act up and stop at a red light while his father was driving him to school, how an A grade wasn't enough for his dad, and how he stayed up late one night to finish studying and well, his dad found him, and he got beaten up by his floor lamp for it. Ian's mother died right after his birth so basically it had been just him and his father, until he decided to move for college as well. He's pissed at Enzo for leaving him behind to clean up the mess they didn't make but he's somewhat, sort of moved on by sleeping with chicks on weekends.

He might've moved on and all, but everyone knows he still has anger issues and will attack a person if they get on his nerves, kind of like Tyler Lockwood from The Vampire Diaries if I must say so myself.

"Ready to get drunk babe?" Cameron asks, his voice husky and I nod, not trusting myself to speak right now.

"Come on love birds, Max isn't the type to wait for you while you decide to get naked in Vivienne's garden. Get it movin' before her parents wake up and our plan goes south." Ian shoos us to the car, and I unlink my hand from Camerons' to bring Vanessa in for a quick hug.

"I missed you," I whisper, fighting back tears.

"Me too, sunshine." You may think that I'm overreacting, maybe I am, but I haven't been to a party in 3 years just because I got caught hosting a party of my own in my house while my parents were out for vacation. They decided to return home 3 days earlier because they were worried about me being "alone." And well, you have an idea as to how that went. After that incident, they placed a tracker in my phone and kept me in their watch all the time. I couldn't hang out with my friends without my mom walking behind us and I couldn't go to anyone's house because they feared the basics, alcohol, music, sex. I don't blame them but sometimes, I need to get rid of some of the stress this university is imposing on my tiny brain.




So, this is how I found myself at Max's mansion with my burner phone in hand.

"Remember to stick close to either me or Cam, alright?!" Vanessa screamed in my ear as we walked inside, the music polluting our ears. "Okay!"

I hold onto Cameron's arm as he steers me in Max's direction. "Sup dude?" He does that clap and hug thing guys liked to do so much. "Vivi," Max nods and I shake his hand. "Nothing much, just arrived. Where's your girl?" Cam asks as I take in my surroundings.

We were currently standing in his large lawn with a forest located to its left and the mansion to its right. A bar stood in the far end of the lawn, serving all sorts of expensive drinks. I can't wait to go there with Cam and Vee and have the time of my life. Large speakers were set up outside as well with Chase Atlantic blasting on full volume. A large pool sat in the middle with couples making out in the cool water. I suppose this is where we get wasted and the mansion is prohibited, as confirmed by the large sign hanging on a tree next to the entrance. Not for me though. People were already getting drunk and were dancing in a way as if there was no tomorrow. Cameron was finally done shit talking with Max and returned his attention to me.

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