Sometimes it's Okay to Hit Kids if the Kids in Question are Cult Members

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The Phantom

As soon as I heard about Max's party, I got ready and hopped onto my Kawasaki Z1000 with my gang. Zion wanted to stop by at one of those shady streets for returning some money to a guy he loaned from but doing that first would mean entering the party with all eyes on us which will automatically blow our cover. Entering the party behind Max's friends would at least disguise us well.

I was this close to making Max's parents' lives miserable for what they had done to my family, and I sure as hell won't let Zion or any of my friends ruin that for me. Today was the day that they regretted letting their stupid son home alone.

My tux is packed with different kinds of guns, and I am wearing my beloved bulletproof vest underneath my shirt. I put Leo and Luca in charge of the cameras since they are so good at hacking, pros of having me as their boss. My friends and I are wearing wireless earpieces, Luca will warn us in case of an interruption or a malfunction. They are twins so it used to be confusing at first, figuring out which one was who, but I got a hang of it.

"Remember, no one gets hurt except for his guards if they charge at you. No one gets injured especially Max fucking Cassius." I growl as we speed across the street. I am not stopping at no red lights tonight. Our number plates have been taped with scotch tape and if police were to come after us, Leo will take care of that.

"Where do we keep him though? Once he's with us on our way back to the house?" Austen asks as he picks up speed and reaches me. I smirk and look at him through the left rear mirror.

"We wait for Cassius to approach us himself."




It was past 1A.M. when we arrived at the mansion. I get off my ride and remove my helmet, only to slip on another mask that mimics a ghost.

"Ready boys?" I mutter and they all nod at once. We approach the gates only to be greeted by a bunch of university students rushing inside. We merge in the crowd, avoiding the suspicious stares by the gatekeepers. I step inside and turn around to look for the boys only to find that Silas and Xaden have been stopped by the guards. I clench my jaw and walk towards them.

"The guys are with me."

"And who might you be, sir?" One of the prats ask.

"I'm surprised you don't know us. We're Max's friends from college? Ring a bell yet?" I look at him, my hands on my hips. I am wearing a simple black tuxedo, my coat on my shoulder and my sleeves are rolled up, revealing my tattoos and the Rolex watch resting around my wrist.

"Sir, I'm going to need to see your ID since it apparently, doesn't ring a bell yet." He stares down at us even though I'm much taller than the guy himself. When I don't move an inch, he points at my face, "Remove the mask."

"Show my face?" I ask. No one has dared to ask me this question. Until now.

"You heard me right."


"Are you afraid of your hideous looks?" The simple question turns my earlier calmness to a hint of anger, and it takes almost everything in me not to snap his neck right on the spot.

"Quite the opposite, sir." I reply, cocking my head slightly to the right to earn a snarl from one of the other guards.

"Let my friends go, or Mr. Cassius will be the one to kick you out of here. I could call him right now." I raise an eyebrow as I fish my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through the contact list. Max isn't stupid, neither are his guards. He has probably already lectured his guards and told them not to tell his parents about the party. Calling Cassius would get them all in trouble.

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