My name is

111 1 0

Third person pov

A man in black business attire walked towards to gates of Tartarus. He saw two men at the gates with their guns pointed at him. "Who are you" one of the guards say and he pointed a gun directly at the formal dressed man.

He smiled and said " that's not important, hold your fire I was sent here by-" "WHO SENT YOU" the guard interrupted. The formal dressed got annoyed at that and exploded the gun in his

"Arrrgggghh" the guard yelled in pain. "JEEZ... didn't your mother tell you that it's rude to interrupt people, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR MANNERS" the man dressed in black said annoyed and pissed. "Jeez why did mister aizawa have to send me to get this kid"the formal dress man said.

The guard's eyes then widened as he looked up. "P-pro hero aizawa... he's the one who sent you" the guard said in surprise. The formal dressed man looked at him with no expression on his face. "Okay enough games I can't just let you in without knowing who you are" the guard said as he got up shaking and pointed his gun at him with his uninjured hand.

"I didn't wanna have to do this but..." the formal dressed man then appeared right in front of the guard in an instant staring at him dead in the eyes" My name is death...".

the guard's eyes were than filled with fear and death's eyes glowed a terrifying red. The guard then passed out. The other guard simply just stared at death with no fight in his eyes he knew this was a losing game like that one song he heard about. The guard cautiously walked past him to tend to his comrade while death just went inside the gates of Tartarus.

Death was met with darkness as he entered the smell of blood engulfed his nose but he payed no mind to it as he walked on. "Now where did aizawa say her cell was" death said as he journeyed onwards, he brought a finger to his head in a thinking position then he remembered. "OH RIGHT he said it's the red door" he said as he put his fist to his hand, then he looked around.

" wait a minute... ALL THIS DAMN DOORS ARE RED YOUVE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME, MISTER AIZAWA HOW DUMB ARE YOU GIVE BETTER INSTRUCTIONS" he said in anger as he marched on ward checking every door to seen them all empty except for one.

This door actually had a number unlike this rest of them it was 123. "Really 123" he said under his breath and yes 123.

He went inside the smell of blood grew stronger as he walked further inside. He saw a purple light in the form of a tube that looks like it's meant to weaken quirks.

He was then met with a girl with bloody tattered clothes and, cuffs on her hands, legs, and neck. She had her head down as if she was sleeping "how is she sleeping in this prison" death said shocked.

He walked over to the girl and lifted her head up and he noticed that she had no bruises on her face despite the blood covering her whole body. It was then death decided to wake her up. He took a deep breath " WAAAAAAAAKKKKKKEEEEEE UUUUUUUUPPPPPP" he yelled.

The girl woke up  but she was not startled at the man's yelling in the slightest. She looked at the man straight in his eyes with curiosity on her face but animosity in her eyes. When death looked at her he smiled. "You're interesting" he said.

then he let go of her face thinking that maybe mister aizawa had the right idea when he decided to send him "Hello woman... what's your name" deaths asked, the girl didn't answer she just stared at the guy still carrying  animosity in her eyes. To this death smirked " Fine.. I'll just have to tell you my name my name is death....

Death the kid

And no I'm not that death the kid from "soul eater" I'm his son I just like to go by his name... FOR REASONS" death said to the camera breaking the forth wall but whatever he does what he wants.

Death then turned his attention back to the girl. "Why is she still staring"he thought. Then he heard a chuckle that grew louder and louder until her chains started shaking. "Hey what's so funny" death asked.

Then girl finally opened her mouth to speak. "I-I-I- could" she said with her voice sounding weak. Then death walked closer to her bringing his ear to her mouth "you could what" he asked, "I-i-i c-c- cou-" she said struggling to speak death was about to brush off what she was gonna say but then the chained girl said.

" I could her your loud self coming from a mile away" she said as she burst out in laughter. 💢 death got annoyed and angry "SO YOU COULD TALK WITHOUT STUTTERING AND THATS WHAT YOU DECIDED TO SAY 💢💢💢 you little" death said pissed but then regained his composure "tsk... anyways what is your name you brat" death said annoyed.

The girl then lifted her head revealing red glowing eyes " my name" she said then smiled and chuckled at the same almost like no one's ever asked for her name. "My name is...

Ochaco uraraka nice to meet ya 😁"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 🤗

Words: 923

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