Part 13

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𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐫𝐚, 𝐒𝐲𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑:

Heidi Scott stood in the bathroom of Koby Abberton's house looking at her reflection.

The cut on the side of her temple ran from her eyebrow to her hairline, the blood had stopped flowing and had dried to her skin leaving a river of dark red down the side of her face. Her chin and neck were red and slowly beginning to bruise in the shape of James Scott's fingertips. Her scalp ached from the harsh grip he'd had on her hair and there was a bruise forming around her left eye with a small cut underneath it resulting from the hits to the face.

She held a damp cloth in her left hand, adorning wet hair, a pair of shorts and tank top which was sticking to her back because of the water droplets she hadn't bothered to dry off. She rubbed aggressively at the dried blood on her cheek, irritating her skin as she tried to get the blood off.

"Heids?" Koby's voice calls out.

"Bathroom!" She shouts back.

Heading his footsteps echo over the top of the floorboards she turned to face the door. Offering him a slightly forced smile when he appeared.

Koby signed, the state of her face made his heart ache and he cursed himself internally for not barging into the house when he heard her scream. He'd walked into the house after hearing Heidi and James shouting upstairs only to find Jesse unconscious on the floor and momentarily, his entire world stopped.

He walked into the bathroom, took the cloth from Heidi's hand and pulled her into his chest. Heidi immediately melted into his arms, wrapping her own around his torso before he pulled away.

"You shouldn't be cleaning your own injuries." He sighs. "Jump up."

Feeling like a small child, Heidi jumped up onto the countertop swinging her legs back and forth like you always did when your feet didn't touch the floor. She watched Koby's movements as he picked up the cloth from the counter and gently held Heidi's face, making sure that he didn't hurt her anymore than she always was, before rubbing at the blood in a less aggressive way than she had been doing originally.

"Is Jess okay?" Heidi asks, turning her head to the side slightly.

"He's out cold on the sofa." Koby replies. "But he seems to be okay."

"He'll be out of it for a while." She sighs.

"I know he will be, I've seen the effects of that drug when its been used on you before."

Managing to clear the dried blood from her skin, Koby dabbed at the wound on her temple to ensure it was no longer bleeding and quickly gave the one underneath her eye a clean before helping her to jump down from the counter and back onto the floor.

Heidi took the cloth from Koby's hand before moving out of the bathroom, her socks made barely any noise against the ground as she walked. Heading for the living room.

Lydia Scott kept her distance in the kitchen. She watched on through the open doors as her now grown-up little girl entered the room, her heart ached madly as she watched Heidi's movements but she could only blame herself for missing out on the majority of her daughters life. In the living room, Heidi slipped onto the sofa underneath Jesse's head before placing it back down on her thighs and gently pushing her fingers through his hair, a small gathering of Bra Boy's and Koby's closest friends who had joined him outside the Scott household were all sat out on the back porch smoking cigarettes together.

"You alright, Soup?" Dean's voice asks.

"I'm alright." Heidi replies, voice soft.

She lifted her head to see him leant against the back of the sofa, a small but sad smile painted on her lips at the long forgotten nickname.

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