It Started With A...

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A/N- Hello and welcome! The set up for this book will not be all one story. I plan on a mini series and in the middle a few random imagines. I really hope you enjoy. I accept any ideas that you guys may have for any story. Just message me and I'll try my best! Now, let me stop my rambling and get on to the first imagine!

Y/N- Your name



That's what woke you up. A loud bang coming from somewhere in your apartment. You slowly sit up on your bed and look at the time. Your phone reads "6:30". You feel the side of your bed and it's empty. Usually your boyfriend, Patrick, of 2 years would be there. 

"Patrick?" You call out, and he comes rushing into the room with blood on his hand. "Hey, uh, Do you mind helping me out a little here?" He says as he holds out his hand. "Yeah, sure." You reply and rush to your bathroom. 

Quickly, you open the cabinet and get out a first-aid kit. You take out band-aids, and alcohol wipes. "Give me your hand." You say, still trying to fully wake up from your slumber. 

"Ouch!" Patrick cries out after you put the wipe on his hand. You then quickly open the band-aid and put it on the cut. 

"What happened?" You ask while putting the first-aid kit away. "Well, I was getting a glass out of the cabinet and it dropped. So when I went to pick it up I got cut." He says lifting his hand up. 

You chuckle slightly and walk into the kitchen. There's glass everywhere. "Next time come get me!" You said as you put your hands on his chest and peck him on the lips. 

"I'm sorry, Y/N" He says while you get the hand-held vacuum from the living room. "Don't be sorry!" You say and shoot him a smile. 

You vacuum up the broken glass and lay the vacuum on the counter. "Thank you." Patrick speaks as he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your cheeks. "No problem, Patrick." You say as you plant a kiss on his cheek. 

He closes his eyes and places his head in the crook of your neck. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I hope you enjoyed! I kept this one short and simple because I'm still planning out a mini-series. Thanks for reading! <3 

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now