<-Moving Away->

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Today I woke up in a relitively good mode. It was a saturday and I was glad. I went to get ready wearing this:

Most the time I won't wear this but I want Class1-A think I do

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Most the time I won't wear this but I want Class1-A think I do. After that I walked to kitchen and made breakfast for everyone but kaccan I made him kimchi. It was my famous pancakes, they really like them.

After I was done everyone came into the room and took their food. I then finnally took mine and went to my room. I watched Game Theory while eating. When I was done I washed everything I used and sat down at the comon room. Except they all looked at me weird, and I was getting bad feeling. The air was to tense I had to say something. "Alright what happened?" I asked. They all looked suprised I knew something was wrong, but after a few looks Todoroki told me "Fine, I've been cheating on you with Momo for a few months."

My heart sank. We were dating for a year and this is the fucking payback I yet? What was wrong with him. Then -"Izuku Midoryia please come to ra-Nezu's office."- the voice in the speaker said. "Welp, bye." I told them as I walked off. After some walking I reached his office, but there was this bad feeling as I about to turn the doornob. My bad feelings were never wrong, so one deep breath later I opened it.

As I walked in I saw ALL the staff looking at me. They all had this look i their eyes, it was like a mixture of anger and betrail. I wanted to know what was going on now. "Midoryia,' Nezu spoke 'we have to belive that your father is AFO. So, to ensure everyones safty we have to expell you." "You also have to give us back OFA." All might told me. "You want OFA back, fine' I said with a smile while proceding to give it back 'It's not like you told me how to use it anyway."

"Have fun finding someone else." just to tease them I use my magic to open the door and close it behind me. I could here them bickering about something. Did I care, nope I had a back up plan. It's not like I was dumb I had was at college level. I was crying down that hallway I mean could you be blame me? I just got my dreams crushed in a few minutes. "This can't get worse. Oh wait it can!" I thought as walked to my room.

I flopped on my bed and called my mom.

Baby Bear: Hi mom!

Mama Bear: Hello honey

Baby Bear: I wanted to ask you something.

Mama Bear: What is it?

Baby Bear: If I could stay with you and dad in America...

Mam Bear: Ofcourse! I'll send the gaurds to come get you at 5pm. Go pack your bags.

Baby Bear: All right, please go tell dad.

Mama Bear: Ok, bye.

Baby Bear: bye, see you.
Call has ended

Great. I packed my bag which took awhile then got ready. I wasn't gonna let those bitches pull me down anyday. So I started clean.

My hair and make up:

(Dark green instead of blonde strands with dark green eyeshado)

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(Dark green instead of blonde strands with dark green eyeshado)

My outfit:

I loved it

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I loved it. I looked so good and was all here for it. It was 4:35 near time to go. So I went to Nezu's office and opened the door. The shock in every teachers eyes was so satisfying. "I'm going to America. My doorm is already cleaned out I'm gonna go soon. Bye"

Next up, was Class 1-A. I walked there with a big smile on my face. I finnally arived and heard 'deku' pop up way to much. I put my ear near the door to hear my class talking shit about me. Then talking about taking me out the dekuSqaud and naming TodoSquad. Thats when I opened the door wide open and said. "I'm moving to america so have fun with training. Also All Might needs a new succeser so go to him if you want OFA." The hole entire class was dumbfouned. It was so funny but alas I walked out of the and towards the gates and Nezu opemed it for me. Then I had a few more minutes so I recored a tiktok. I chose the 'On The Floor Dance' and pressed record. I did the dance pretty well so I started to edit it a 'lil before I post it. As I was editing it two men with black and green suits came up to me. Since they were obviously from mom I let them take my suitcases and then got in the black limo. Ofcourse I recorded it all. If I wanted my new career to take of I could atleast start with Social Media first. They took me to a private jet that was all black with green stripes. With me being me I recored this from everything to come untill we reached America.

The view was so nice and while I wrote down everything in my dairy a worker came and gave me my favorite green apple boba. I thanked her. After a few hours the flight was over and I was helped out of plane and went into a different black limo to mom and dads house.

"Wow, they changed up the place alot..." I said amazed "Yes they did alot while you were gone sir." A gaurd replied.
"Can you please call me Izuku."
"Of course, do you want to see your parents now Izuku"
"Yes please."

I ran up to mom and hugged her almost instantly. "Mom I missed you so much!" I said "We missed you to honey" she replied. Then dad(AFO) pulled me away. "Hi son" he greeted me "hey dad" I replied.

After some talking we had dinner. We then talked about what I'll be doing since I'm not in UA any more.
"So, I was thinking that because I'm not in UA anymore I could do online classes here..." I spoke up.
"What a splendid idea!" Mom exclaimed
"She right, that's a great plan." Dad said
"I was thinking ####### high. Though I'm not sure..." I then said
"That is a great school. What majer are you going into? Dad asked

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