Home Alone

843 14 119

Jungkook X Liana

Author Pov

A girl was humming the song and roaming in her house alone the weather was cloudy maybe there will be a thunderstorm at midnight she sat on her couch and opened the news channel as a journalist it's her daily routine to check news she was eating popcorn while watching the news on TV

There was the headline going on the channels which caught her eyes "The Killer Is Escaped" she gulped the juice and turn off the TV her mind was hazy seeing the headline few months back a killer named Jeon Jungkook was arrested by the police of Seoul after this she covered his news on TV

She did very hardwork and collected all the informations about his victims and why he killed them cuz she knew he can be proved not guilty easily if there will be no proof after a long effort she proved him guilty and then court gave him life sentenced the last look he gave her was just a smile she was confused with that look of his

One day she got a letter from the prison in that letter it was clearly written that he will come to haunt her first he will make her feel heaven then he will send her heaven she opened her eyes and the sweat beads was on her forehead she walked towards her room and took the letter out from her cupboard in which her name Hwang Liana was written

Liana Pov

I was panting hard not knowing what to do now I sat on my bed the cold air was making me feel goosebumps I always lived with my Mom but right now she is out of town for next 1 month she went to doctor I hope her medical treatment will go well

Ahh....being home alone was never a problem for me but right now when i know that the killer is escaped form jail who hates me I cab feel the fear I sighed and closed my eyes I guess it's good that Mom is out of town or else he will also try to hurt her

There was a mixed tension inside me being the Criminal journalist I always knew my life is in danger but this time it's different I am not scared cuz I can die but I am scared to face him agh......I still remember that day when I gone to prison to meet him as per his special request


Liana Pov

I was walking inside the prison mostly criminals are locked here and guess what I am the one who covered the news of these prisoners so they hate me like ok it's not like I want them to love me I chuckled at my thoughts I stood infront of the cell 0109 the prisoner inside the prison was doing work out without shirt

Wow........he is life sentenced here now only his dead body will go out of the prison but still he cares about his body I rolled my eyes and unknowingly a light chuckle left mouth he stopped working out and finally turned towards me his eyebrow,ear and lip peirceings was shining cuz of sweat he came close to the cell and looked at me

??:what made you chuckle Miss.Hwang? *raised eyebrow*

Liana:umm....nothing let's get to the point Jeon Jungkook *smile*

Jk:point?oh...yeah did you got my letter? *licks his lip*

Liana:yeah...and have to say you should improve your writing *smirk*

Jk;trying to be cool? *raised eyebrow*

Liana:I am a criminal journalist so I am already the coolest person *chuckles*

Jk:aren't you afraid to meet me? *annoyed tone*

Liana:ahhh......no cuz there is still some investigation left and I really want you to tell me where you buried the bodies of your own family *glared+serious tone*

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