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Lapis looked towards Pink Steven, who was looking at his human body, and glared at him.

"You should have cried."

There was no reaction from Pink Steven, who was staring at his human body. His one hand was going through his human body hair, while the other was holding Madison's hand.

"Hey. Are you even listening to me? It didn't work! You need to cry-."

Bismuth grabbed Lapis hand from getting closer to Pink Steven, but before he could speak up Madison cut her off.

"Its because he can't..." Her voice was quiet, no emotion in it, but loud enough for everyone to hear her.


"I think-" Bismuth took out a small magenta grip. "He got hit with this."

"What is it? Some kind of era one destabilizer?"

Bismuth clicked the pink switch on it, activating it, a long dark magenta pole extended from the grip with a gemstone-like object on the tip of the staff. And two beams of pink energy extended from either side of the faux-gemstone.

"No. It's a rejuvenator."

Lapis and Paridot looked at the weapon confused.

While Madison flinched and hid behind Pink Steven, pure horror written all over face, the memories of the pink scythe cutting through her crush was still fresh in her mind.

Pink Steven put his arm back, in front of Madison, ready to protect the scared half he behind him, while eyes shrunk as he started at the scythe at Bismuth hand.

"Homeworld used to use these to put wayward gems back in line. One hit and that's it, your back to how they made you. No more pesky free will to get in the way of your purpose."

"Then-" Peridot pointed towards the Crystal gems on the kitchen table. "-are they...?"

Bismuth turned off the rejuvenator. "I... Don't know."

She then looked at the gems with a smile, trying to lighten up the mood. "But if they are we'll figure out how to get them back."

"Why are you so sure? Anything could go wrong at this point..." Madison stated.

"PUH-LEASE! This is the OG Crystal Gems we're talking about!" The rainbow gem put the rejuvenator on the table before taking Pearl's gem in her hand and looking at it.

"It'll take something far worse to keep them out of the game."

Padidot spoke up. "I mean, it took out Steven."

That made Madison to flinch once agian. Bismuth put down Pearl's gem before turning around. "..."

She then walked towards Paridot and bent down. "Your right. But we'll find a way to help him too. You just watch."

Madison noticed Pink Steven standing up as he was trying to activate his gem powers.

"But to do that I'm going to need you to do something, okay? And I don't think your gonna like it."

"Uh-... Bismuth." Paridot tried to catch he attention.

"We need to know what the re-" Paridot grabbed Bismuth face and turned towards Pink Steven.

Madison stood next to Pink Steven, watching as the bubbles that surround his hands, agian, popped.

Pink Steven made another set of bubbles around his hands. Bismuth stood up and asked. "Whatcha doing there bud?"

The agian the bubbles popped, he then lifted his shirt a bit and looked at his gem.

His turned his head towards the heart shaped gem on the table, bubbled. Before waking towards the kitchen table.

"Steven...?" Madison watched as he grabbed the rejuvenator in his hand.

"Why don't you just put that down, okay?" Bismuth said as he put her arm in front of Lapis, who had her water wings extented that had appearance of hands.

Pink Steven, using his both hands snapped the rejuvenator into two pieces.

"Whoah there, it's just Steven." said to Lapis, who looked like was ready to fight.

Pink Steven let the two pieces of the rejuvenator fell on the ground. Madison walked towards him and looked at the gems on the kitchen table.

Bismuth walked towards Pink Steven, she stopped when he looked at her, making the rainbow gem flinch.

Bismuth gulped and out her shaky hand on Pink Steven shoulder. "Feel better?"

"Yea, I wouldn't have wanted that thing around either."

Madison looked towards the door as she heard loud footsteps coming closer. That's when the door slammed open and there stood Greg with a bat in his hand. "STEVEN?!"

He noticed Pink Steven and ran over to him, hugging him. "Oh. THANK GOD!" Not realizing that it was just Steven's gem half, while his human half was laying on the couch with no sign of life.

"I got Bismuth's text and- I was so worried... I'm so glad-"

Pink Steven looked towards the white butterflies that were flying around, but no one noticed them other then him.

Thats when he noticed his human body sitting up, blood was seeping out where his eyes should be.

He held a butterfly in his right hand.

"Steven...?" Greg tried to catch his attention from the trance he was in.

Madison walked up next to Steven put her hand on his shoulder. "Steven..." Witch made Pink Steven to look away from his human body and what he saw dissappear and looked at Steven.

"Steven? Kiddo? Are you feeling okay? Why are you pink? Who's blood is this? What's-"

Thats when he turned were Pink Steven was looking and noticed the body of Steven on the couch. "I-" He looked back towards Pink Steven. "What's..."

Greg's heart was bounding. "Whats going on? Guys...? Wh-whose blood is this...?"

Everyone was quiet.

"Bismuth...? Paridot...? Lapis...? Madison...?"

Madison turned her head away from Greg, looking at the floor, trying not to break down.

"Will SOMEBODY PLEASE answer me?! I'M FREAKING OUT Here! Why are there TWO of him?!"

Greg then turned towards Pink Steven and grabbed him by his arms. "STEVEN! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! WHOSE BLOOD IS THAT?!"

Pink Steven was quiet for a moment before raising his hand and pointing his finger at his human body. "𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚎. 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎."

"I don't... understand. What does he mean 'his'...? He was alive earlier.."

"Greg I can explain."

Greg was listening to Bismuth. "There's now way that it's--" He watched his sons human body, pale with no sign of life to shown.

"Greg-... There-- we were..."


No one said anything.

"Please. He's just a little banged up, right? He was just fine, he has to be just resting..."

"Greg..." Bismuth took Gregs hands that were grabbing his overalls. "I'm sorry..."

And then the answer he dreaded to hear.

"His dead..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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